dahreno Loves Eddie

Yea tropical storm coming up the east coast today into tomorrow :( been raining since late last night

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The rain here where I work is bad, beech street by the water is already starting to flood, long beach does not need my more flooding

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You know if I don't like something I just don't do it. If he is on and off, he's clearly searching for someone to back him. What a douche canoe. Some people just think their word is gospel and have no respect for others opinions. I rule, now all of you drool. :bleh:
Why do you have to pm me about how you feel Eddie ?just post it up here .I know you think you know it all but , you can be very anal when you don't like suggestions or people asking simple questions . Did the po here ask you for a smart ass answer ? No , he was just asking how to get more droop in the rear . He did not need you to tell him he is obsessed . You make stupid remarks like that alot . Just like the time Northridge was trying to tell the guy to install tubing and gussets in his front axle with his large tires . You gave me grief about agreeing with Northridge . As a matter of fact I think you used the word crazy that time right ?The fact of the matter is your just an ass with a bad attitude and think you know it all , and you don't .If people don't agree with you , you think of away to belittle them . You are a child , no wonder you go by a babies name Eddie instead of Ed. I will be more than happy to stay off your Hitler like website because you are just a baby and you are an ass . I know you will read this , then erase it because god forbid , someone doesn't like you or agree with you . Don't PM me again . I have been just kidding with you as the posting I posted here earlier about me finally getting to watch someone else in the hot seat yet again with you but , you are a baby and can't take it,so you erase it . Well , no more kidding from me , do not PM me and again , I will never get on your crappy web site again .Later you piece o crap !

Who's crying here??? :thinking: :naw:
You know if I don't like something I just don't do it. If he is on and off, he's clearly searching for someone to back him. What a douche canoe. Some people just think their word is gospel and have no respect for others opinions. I rule, now all of you drool. :bleh:

:cheesy::cheesy: you Sir are correct
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Well I ran out of popcorn LOL So I figured I'd post on this finally. My personal favorite part of this douche nozzle's rant- "no wonder you go by a babies name Eddie instead of Ed." :crazyeyes: I can't believe that's the best he could come up with.. I can think of at least three better plays on the name Eddie just off the top of my head. :doh:
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