Canadian wildfires

Sure looks like the Canadian wildfire was coordinated. Maybe it was a controlled burn?
Before I started watching, I knew this shit had happened before. I remember the day the eco-warrior shown @ the 8:55 mark started one of several coordinated fires in Oregon, I was visiting my parents, and one of the fires was less than five miles from their house. The original narrative was dry lightning was the cause, but countless meteorologists came forward that no satellite or weather monitoring equipment picked up on lightning strikes.
Since first moving to the PNW eight years ago, every summer I have seen smoke filled weeks from fires in both WA and Canada…and I drive to and from OR, CA & NV frequently every year…seeing and smelling smoke from wildfires is a common occurrence. My daughter sent us pics from her window showing the orange sky in NYC…I told her I’ve got hundreds of these over the years…
Imagine what you would say if you dealt with that for months on end year after year. You wouldn’t say that lol
I've been out West during the wildfires and that blows We're nowhere near the level it is further east. We've only got a slight haze here and you can only smell the smoke slightly at times.
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