Duck left on my door handle

So, after 2-1/2 years...I get my first damned duck.

I know you guys aren't big on the whole duck thing, really neither am I.

But to me this was funny, took my Mom in for ultra sound on her legs. Come out and I see the duck on my rear flare. Had to explain the whole thing to Mom and she said "How Gay".

Here's the kicker, I got a white, unicorn, rainbow tail and mane duck. 🤪
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I get my first damned duck.

I know you guys aren't big on the whole duck thing, really neither am I.

But to me this was funny, took my Mom in for ultra sound on her legs. Come out and I see the duck on my rear flare. Had to explain the whole thing to Mom and she said "How Gay".

Here's the kicker, I got a white, unicorn, rainbow tail and mane duck. 🤪
My wife likes them. I don't really care. I've gotten ducked a few times and just give them to her.
We have a pretty large Lesbian crowd in the area. They used to claim Subaru's as "theirs" (wife has a Subaru).

About 10 years ago they started to claim Jeep as "theirs" except they didn't go for the off road Wrangler, they wanted the higher end luxury SUV.
Now they're trying to claim JL's and JT's and I guess some of the dealerships have had issues with the more militant ones.
Not my thing, but my daughter gets a kick out of it when we get a duck. Then she passes it along to the next Jeep we park next to, so I guess it works out well to where I don't get stuck with the ducks for very long, lol.
Only 2 years ago, you say. Being a working man and a tax payer all my adult life, it was over 40 years ago when I got my first paycheck and realized it was my first f-

-oh, you said first DUCK
Not my thing, but my daughter gets a kick out of it when we get a duck. Then she passes it along to the next Jeep we park next to, so I guess it works out well to where I don't get stuck with the ducks for very long, lol.

Same here man... my wife enjoys it and I just go with the flow.

There are a lot of things worth my ire and derision these days. This is not one of them.
walked out a grocery store a few days ago and there was a little boy pointing at my jeep, I could tell he was thinking it was pretty cool by his excitement.

I just stood on the sidewalk to see what he would do and he started point to the winch, patting the tires etc, then he said something to his dad, they walked back to their jeep and the little boy had a duck in his hand.

He put it on my on my door handle (with help from his dad)

personally I think it's gay but had my daughter been that way as a child, I'd been packing bags of those little d(f)uckers to hand out
I have yet to be ducked. But I would imagine when people see my Jeep they know I most likely would not actually want it.
I've gotten 5 in my YJ. Daughter has stolen my TJ and was happy she got one, at the County Fair.
She now has 6...
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