Just trying out this multiquote to see I understand
Ok... if you want to Multi Quote from Multiple Pages:

1. Hit one or multiple "Reply" from the first page
2. Then select the [ ] at the top right of your quote box (this will change everything to code type)
3. Then move on to the next page and keep selecting the "Reply" you want
4. You can add responses between or after each
5. Then hit "Post Reply"
Just trying out this multiquote to see If I understand
Don't tell CNN. We'll all be on a list as super spreaders :ROFLMAO:
So, trying to browse in landscape, so I can see signatures and such, and I find the lightening bolt for new posts is not available while in landscape😖
WooHoo - the migration of WAYALIFE from our old software to the new was a success!! We apologize for the downtime today and hope you can be understanding of our need to keep up with the times.

As you can see, we do have an all new look or at least, by default but if you prefer to see a light background, we have that option available as well. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page, look on the left hand corner, click on the little paint brush with "WAL-Dark" and change it to "WAL-Light".

Also, as I had mentioned before, our mobile app will not be working or at least, not at this time. We will do our best to restore it but until then, you will need to view WAYALIFE through your phone or tablet's browser such as Safari or Chrome. However, I think you'll find that this new software looks and feels more like an app and you may even find that you like the experience better.

With all that said, please let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you on the forum! :cool:
Hello Again glad your back!!!
Eddie, is there a way in "New Posts" or "Whats New" (they both seem the same to me) to show part of the last comment? .... like you can see on "latest activity".. It was cool how the iphone app did that. Kind of best of both worlds.
Thought I had terminally screwed up the mobile app or something lol... Site looks sharp and like the others I totally dig the new dark theme. Thanks Eddie and Cindy!
Eddie, is there a way in "New Posts" or "Whats New" (they both seem the same to me) to show part of the last comment? .... like you can see on "latest activity".. It was cool how the iphone app did that. Kind of best of both worlds.
New Posts is the latest comment. Once you click on those, they will disappear and just leave the unread posts
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