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Ill say it. Thought this forum was different but really just like all the rest. Someone asks a simple question and a few "jk gods" start bashing. I say use what works for u. Not everyone has to show how big their balls are and how much they can spend on their rig. Bet I can break a teraflex product just like a evo product. I have both and they do what I need them to do. I'd like to see some of these guy talk crap face to face. Bet they wouldn't.
why/how is honesty "bashing"??? if a certain product has issues, isnt it the right thing to do to let people know?


Agree with Andrew. I'd rather be informed rather than kept in the dark, especially when it comes to spending hundreds of dollars. Having run several Teraflex products in the past, I can speak with some experience...not all, but some of their stuff leaves much to be desired. And I personally would not want my spare tire potentially falling off while driving on the freeway.

And I think Eddie stated on more than one occasion that you can spend your money however you see fit.
Im glad people with super big ball rigs are on here. They know what to get and they run the trails the most. I DONT want to spend my hard earned money on crap. I want to know what is going to work and last. Of course ive been on here not a week so whos to say what i know!!!! But when people post what you think....... People post what they think
Ill say it. Thought this forum was different but really just like all the rest. Someone asks a simple question and a few "jk gods" start bashing. I say use what works for u. Not everyone has to show how big their balls are and how much they can spend on their rig. Bet I can break a teraflex product just like a evo product. I have both and they do what I need them to do. I'd like to see some of these guy talk crap face to face. Bet they wouldn't.

Bashing? Someone's 37" tire almost broke off the carrier and someone else was told that but its bashing? Wow, ok.
Ill say it. Thought this forum was different but really just like all the rest. Someone asks a simple question and a few "jk gods" start bashing.

I'll say it. Thought a guy like you was different but really, you're just like all the rest. Someone shares their simple experiences and ones that may differ from yours and, fanboys like you call it "bashing".

I say use what works for u.

And I always do too. But, since you seemed to have missed it, this is a "forum". You know, a place where people "discuss" things. :rolleyes2:

Not everyone has to show how big their balls are and how much they can spend on their rig.

Funny, the OP asks about a product and when a guy like me shares what he's seen, I'm suddenly showing how big my balls are and how much I can spend. :thinking:

Bet I can break a teraflex product just like a evo product. I have both and they do what I need them to do.

I've run a lot of both and there's a reason why I no longer run a lot of TeraFlex products. But hey, if it does what you need them to do, more power to you :thumb:

I'd like to see some of these guy talk crap face to face. Bet they wouldn't.

First off, you may call it "talking crap" but I call it "discussing" and "sharing experiences". Still, you don't think I'd do it face to face? Come join me on a run or attend a suds-n-grub. I'm a pretty public and accessible person - find out for yourself :rolleyes2:
why/how is honesty "bashing"??? if a certain product has issues, isnt it the right thing to do to let people know?

Not if it makes someone feel like they've made a mistake. God forbid that real and factual information gets shared may actually help others to make better decisions. :rolleyes2:

And I think Eddie stated on more than one occasion that you can spend your money however you see fit.

Yup, I'm a firm believer that people should spend their money however they see fit. If what a guy like me has to say about the products you chose to buy bothers you, you've got issues that may require professional help.

i would say that the topic of the TF carrier tends to get a bit more heat only because it has been discussed SO MUCH, that every time it comes up, well, this happens....


Nah, it only gets more heat because fanboys are passionate people who simply can't stand hearing that they may have wasted their money on something they don't really need. Their ego is at stake and it must be defended at all costs :crazyeyes:
Did it almost break off wow. I can push anything to almost break. I don't have this carrier because its not for me, i would probably break it that's not what I'm saying. Being told someone doesn't need it and it a waste of sounds like a know it all response to me. Or posting a private email just to be a ass is a bunch of crap. Overlander u have a comment for everything maybe your just a smart ass but some people don't want to hear it. Like I said this is just like every other forum and its easy to talk crap from behind your computer screen
Did it almost break off wow. I can push anything to almost break.

Wow, you're so cool - maybe when I grow up, I can be just like you. Since you seemed to have missed it, nobody pushed this tire carrier to the point of breaking. In spite of what you choose to believe, the break was on a Jeep that just had it installed and was just driving down Bessemer Mine road out in Johnson Valley which is a bumpy dirt road with ruts in it but really, that's about it. Being that you seem to know it all, I'm surprised that you missed that fact.

Being told someone doesn't need it and it a waste of sounds like a know it all response to me.

And your point is? If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. Or, are you just the kind of self-righteous type that feels the need to preach at others in order to make yourself feel important? :idontknow:

Or posting a private email just to be a ass is a bunch of crap.

:cheesy: Yeah, I suppose it's okay to tell someone that "you are the scum of the earth", "...a piece of shit" and to "fuck you and everything you stand for" but, I'm just being an "ass" and it's a bunch of crap if I post it up for everyone to see. Got it :thumb:

Like I said this is just like every other forum and its easy to talk crap from behind your computer screen

And yet, here you are still supporting this forum from behind your computer screen with every post and visit you make. Thank you ;)
Wow, you're so cool - maybe when I grow up, I can be just like you. Since you seemed to have missed it, nobody pushed this tire carrier to the point of breaking In spite of what you choose to believe, the break was on a Jeep that just had it installed and was just driving down Bessemer Mine road out in Johnson Valley which is a bumpy dirt road with ruts in it but really, that's about it. Being that you seem to know it all, I'm surprised that you missed that fact.

And your point is? If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. Or, are you just the kind of self-righteous type that feels the need to preach at others in order to make yourself feel important? :idontknow:

:cheesy: Yeah, I suppose it's okay to tell someone that "you are the scum of the earth", "...a piece of shit" and to "fuck you and everything you stand for" but, I'm just being an "ass" and it's a bunch of crap if I post it up for everyone to see. Got it :thumb:

And yet, here you are still supporting this forum from behind your computer screen with every post and visit you make. Thank you ;)

With that kind of response i can guarantee you wouldn't say shit like that to anyone's face. I though admins were supposed to moderate not act like a jackass get a life. I don't know it all. I've been wheeling for 20 years and still ask questions and I don't preach thats apparently what your for. Don't worry I won't be supporting a douche like u any more.
With that kind of response i can guarantee you wouldn't say shit like that to anyone's face.

Really? You can guarantee it?? For someone who likeS to preach at others for knowing it all, it sure seems like you're the one who knows it all. :idontknow:

I though admins were supposed to moderate not act like a jackass

Based on what? :thinking: :idontknow:

...get a life.

You're right, I should. The most I've done recently is spend the better part of the month wheeling every single day with friends and family up in the Sierra's and out in Nevada. I'm such a loser :grayno:

I don't know it all. I've been wheeling for 20 years and still ask questions and I don't preach thats apparently what your for.

Could have fooled me. :idontknow:

Don't worry I won't be supporting a douche like u any more.

Awe, does this mean you're leaving :tearsdrip:
With that kind of response i can guarantee you wouldn't say shit like that to anyone's face. I though admins were supposed to moderate not act like a jackass get a life. I don't know it all. I've been wheeling for 20 years and still ask questions and I don't preach thats apparently what your for. Don't worry I won't be supporting a douche like u any more.

Not to interject into the pissing match but its about a tire carrier.........So what.
Really? You can guarantee it?? For someone who likeS to preach at others for knowing it all, it sure seems like you're the one who knows it all. :idontknow:

Based on what? :thinking: :idontknow:

You're right, I should. The most I've done recently is spend the better part of the month wheeling every single day with friends and family up in the Sierra's and out in Nevada. I'm such a loser :grayno:

Could have fooled me. :idontknow:

Awe, does this mean you're leaving :tearsdrip:

Just the kind of response I and others would expect from you. Sounds like u had fun wheeling, bragging just makes you sound a little douchier. Don't get your little feelers if is the truth. Hilarious stuff here
Just the kind of response I and others would expect from you.

:clap2: Glad to see you're still around supporting my forum and glad to hear I can still give what guys like you dish out.

Sounds like u had fun wheeling, bragging just makes you sound a little douchier.

Maybe I'm missing something but, you were the one who told me to "get a life". I don't know how I could be "bragging" about anything when all I did was share what I do for a sorry existence. :idontknow:

Don't get your little feelers if is the truth. Hilarious stuff here

Are you using a Google translator to write this stuff because, I think something got lost in translation - Hilarious stuff here :D
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