Panamint Valley: Lithium Drilling


Not sure if this had been discussed here… but I spent last weekend in Panamint Valley and down the road from Ballarat we came across a large drill rig. One of the workers was friendly with info… they were working well into the evening searching for Lithium. And if enough is found they will be taking over the mine thats currently there. I can only imagine what this will do to off roading in the area. I pray they fail miserably.

Just curious what your thoughts on this are... here is an article I found:

F’n sucks. I honestly wouldn't care if it actually was good for the planet… but we know the truth.
You ever see what mining lithium looks like? Now that's what I call "good for the planet" :ROFLMAO:

BTW, fuck the sage grouse, the desert tortoise, ancient plants and while we're at it, massacre sites of native Americans too and all in the name of being "green" (y)🇺🇸
If this happens, water shortage will be an understatement. But of course, they will blame "climate change" and use it as a reason for more lithium mines.
Environmental impact studies? won't happen in the name of green, pay a measly fine to end endangered species and they'll get a waiver to fuckup whatever they need to in the name of green greed, jobs and tax dollars... good paying union jobs.
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