PACIFIC NORTHWEST: The 2014 JK-Experience [4 Part Series]

Sat down and made my brother watch all 4 in a row. Now he wants to take the jeep out and use his new GoPro..even though i'll probably blow up my D30. Oh well, can only live once.
Sat down and made my brother watch all 4 in a row. Now he wants to take the jeep out and use his new GoPro..even though i'll probably blow up my D30. Oh well, can only live once.

Want to make a cross country trip this week? Saturday and Sunday we have a group of wayalifers that will be running the area called Browns camp in episode 4. Come going us! 😜
I've been watching these videos for years and love them. So do my kids! This is how I first heard about WAYALIFE. I just recently found out about the forum. This whole WAYALIFE theme is great. And Cindy, I have done minimum videography with my kids on backpacking trips and know the hard work and hours of video editing involved in this. And clearly, your videos are 99% better and anything I can do so I can't imagine the hours spent for you guys. And also, when filming out there, you really miss a lot of the experience of the trip due the constant filming to catch great shots. Kudos to you guys and thanks for filming these adventures. I truly hope they keep coming.
so, this last Sunday, my wife and i were lazying about trying to find something to watch. i was clicking on random youtube videos. JK Experience PNW was suggested. we sat there and watched all 4 parts. first off, let me say the video was excellently shot and edited. second, and craziest of all, my wife who has no off road experience turned to me and said, "we should make our Jeep like one of those and go do this trip some time."

i figured after all of the crunching of windows, doors, body pillars and mud, she would have said HELL NO. instead she had the opposite reaction from anything i would have expected. :D
so, this last Sunday, my wife and i were lazying about trying to find something to watch. i was clicking on random youtube videos. JK Experience PNW was suggested. we sat there and watched all 4 parts. first off, let me say the video was excellently shot and edited. second, and craziest of all, my wife who has no off road experience turned to me and said, "we should make our Jeep like one of those and go do this trip some time."

i figured after all of the crunching of windows, doors, body pillars and mud, she would have said HELL NO. instead she had the opposite reaction from anything i would have expected. :D

:cheesy: That's awesome but just know, when she says "we", she means to say that SHE wants to do the driving... or, at least some of it :yup:
so, this last Sunday, my wife and i were lazying about trying to find something to watch. i was clicking on random youtube videos. JK Experience PNW was suggested. we sat there and watched all 4 parts. first off, let me say the video was excellently shot and edited. second, and craziest of all, my wife who has no off road experience turned to me and said, "we should make our Jeep like one of those and go do this trip some time."

i figured after all of the crunching of windows, doors, body pillars and mud, she would have said HELL NO. instead she had the opposite reaction from anything i would have expected. :D
Brilliant strategy, I'll have to try this this weekend haha.
Brilliant strategy, I'll have to try this this weekend haha.

It doesn't work for everyone...just ask me...

One of the last runs we did, we took both Jeeps. I just convinced my wife it was an easy trail and that she'd be fine. Once we were out there, she wasn't too happy about it, lol. I seriously did think the trail would be easy and didn't find it all that bad myself, but it was more than she wanted to do. Either way she did fine and said it built up her confidence.
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