Yea but cats suck dick for taste.

Freaking sucks about your wiring harness. Total pain in the ass.
LOL and yes, a total pain in the ass being that it's on a brand new tractor with less than 30 hours on it. Obviously, it is repairable and that's what I'll be doing today but short of keeping the tractor stored in the shop, preventing this from happening again will be a challenge.
So, I carefully examined every wire on the harness and miraculously, all the copper threads were intact - only the insulation was eaten away. I even separated all the individual wires, turned the key on to double check this was in fact the case and low and behold, all the lights went off on the dash. Because of this, I decided to not make things worse and just carefully wrap each one of them back up with some automotive fabric tape. Here's a shot of what the harness looked like before.

And, here's what it looks like now.

I'm thinking this should hold up well enough and if not, I can go through and do a proper fix.

In the mean time, I found what looks like the most logical way up in to the dash for the mice. Essentially, they would crawl up a space located between the firewall and the kick panel and along where split conduit and the wiring harness travels up into the dash. This is something I'd going to have to plug up or find a way to limit acess.
There is a plastic, split, conduit that is designed to have a nasty taste to animals. Used it on Becky's oxygen tubing to keep the furbies away from it.
I have no idea if it will work on mice, but does work on cats and dogs.
There is a plastic, split, conduit that is designed to have a nasty taste to animals. Used it on Becky's oxygen tubing to keep the furbies away from it.
I have no idea if it will work on mice, but does work on cats and dogs.
I'll have to look into this!
Thats why we got our cat. Had some rats in the bushes in the back. Killed them. Figured out how to get onto the roof and murdered pigeons they stay away now. Christmas day he showed up with a bird in his mouth. Merry fuckin Christmas he said...haha
They give more presents in the flower bed after 8 hours of digestion too. 🤦‍♂lol

Glad you were able to fix it without spending too much. Hopefully the mice stay out. Have you thought about using the deterrent spray. I used it for my Jeep and it seemed to work. Smells like shit though.
We have (had?) a mouse problem at our Arizona house as well. It just started less than two years ago.

I found a little round hole in the ground outside. It was near a spot where we found that a 4x4 board buried in the foundation ring had rotted away and disappeared over the years. There was a form board leading to the outside which had also disappeared, leaving a path to get in.

Some gardening and rearranging of rocks must have allowed the critters to find their way.

No. I wish I did.

Between coyotes and raccoons my kids chickens went from a dozen to just two left in just a couple days.
That sucks. A single camera may be a good idea. Coons tend to come in numbers. How many traps do you have? The dog proofs are like 15 bucks and work great for coons. You can throw a few out and they're so low maintenance.
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