KEEP IT TIGHT : JK-Experience Teaser Clip - Winching out of Carnage Canyon BV

Last weekend, I was taking to a friend about Carnage Canyon and being that this is a Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be fun to give this old video clip a bump. I still can't believe it took us 4 hours to cross less than a mile of trail and that only 3 of the 5 Jeeps that started it with us was actually able to finish it. Of course, with the exception of the v-notch and final climb out, we pretty much had to run the whole trail by ourselves and that didn't help us much. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it, this is a clip of Cindy winching and wheeling her way up the final climb in Moby who, back then was still running a 3.8L motor and a 6-speed manual transmission! :crazyeyes:

Last weekend, I was taking to a friend about Carnage Canyon and being that this is a Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be fun to give this old video clip a bump. I still can't believe it took us 4 hours to cross less than a mile of trail and that only 3 of the 5 Jeeps that started it with us was actually able to finish it. Of course, with the exception of the v-notch and final climb out, we pretty much had to run the whole trail by ourselves and that didn't help us much. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it, this is a clip of Cindy winching and wheeling her way up the final climb in Moby who back then was still running a 6-speed manual transmission! :crazyeyes:

That's quite the mall parking lot there. :D Carnage Canyon is my favorite video. I love watching that one.
Last weekend, I was taking to a friend about Carnage Canyon and being that this is a Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be fun to give this old video clip a bump. I still can't believe it took us 4 hours to cross less than a mile of trail and that only 3 of the 5 Jeeps that started it with us was actually able to finish it. Of course, with the exception of the v-notch and final climb out, we pretty much had to run the whole trail by ourselves and that didn't help us much. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it, this is a clip of Cindy winching and wheeling her way up the final climb in Moby who back then was still running a 6-speed manual transmission! :crazyeyes:

The rocky Mountain keep it tight series is probably my favorite of them all. Cindy definitely owned that climb!
Ain't nuttin but a Thang! 👍
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My all time favorite WAL video. This climb up Carnage blew me away.:shock: Cindy is as talented off road as anyone. BTW, this climb could have started the slow death spiral of the old 6-speed manual that is now a flower pot.
Gives me hope that I can wheel stuff like that one day with my manual JKU!! :clap2: Awesome...
One of the JK's that didn't make it here!! :icon_crazy: Blew up that front axle.
What impressed me that day was that Cindy was all clutch, brake, gas, steering and winch all the time, at the same time! Just great driving.


Last weekend, I was taking to a friend about Carnage Canyon and being that this is a Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be fun to give this old video clip a bump. I still can't believe it took us 4 hours to cross less than a mile of trail and that only 3 of the 5 Jeeps that started it with us was actually able to finish it. Of course, with the exception of the v-notch and final climb out, we pretty much had to run the whole trail by ourselves and that didn't help us much. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it, this is a clip of Cindy winching and wheeling her way up the final climb in Moby who, back then was still running a 3.8L motor and a 6-speed manual transmission! :crazyeyes:

That was a great video!! Even with the winch, I was cringing a little waiting for something to happen!! Not so much Cindy driving, but waiting for her to come down on something or for Moby to take a boulder some where!! Great job Cindy and thanks for the throwback Thursday video!!

On a side note, I still love watching the Keep It Tight videos!! As a relatively new Jeeper (2012 was my first) with 33's and skids, I love the built Jeeps and watching you guys take on rocks the size of VW bugs!! Thanks for everything you do and show!! It is a thrill every time a new video comes up!!

Big Mike

Great video. It made me nervous sitting here at home.
Throttle, Clutch, Steering, Winchin' and Listening to the spotters all while climbing a rock wall.
Very impressive.
Cindy, I've never met you but... (Excuse me while I pour myself a shot) Here's to Ya' !!! Great Job. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Newbie question time.
What axles are under that Jeep??

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