Fuel Efficiency gauge


New member
Hey guys, I’m new to Jeep coming from Euro car, I have a question concerning the fuel efficiency gauge(green line) that reads out the efficiency of gas you give to accelerate that’s located in the middle of the dashboard(it’s like a half moon). So for my Jeep it accelerates from right to left, being that the green line moves to the left the less amount of times I accelerate. However upon idle it sits at the far right and shows a reading of “current 99” in terms of fuel efficiency. Now I no mechanic, but shouldn’t this green line move from left to right and not right to left? As it’s suppose to only determine how efficient you drive your vehicle so on idle it should sit on the far left(just like your needle for speed), then move to the right the more you give gas, the more the green line should move to the right, thus the higher the number of fuel being efficient. The lower the number the green the line, the higher the number it’ll turn yellow(meaning most likely poor fuel efficiency). You would think, but mine reads the opposite way.
Any tips to if my Jeep is a different version based on where it was made or is this just some error and someone along the QC production line coded this wrong and it’s backwards?
This is really keeping you up at night? Does it really even matter?

If it does, no, it is correct. You can idle forever if you never use the throttle. It doesn’t know you aren’t moving it just knows that at that RPM the engine can run forever.
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This is really keeping you up at night? Does it really even matter?

If it does, no, it is correct. You can idle forever if you never use the throttle. It doesn’t know you aren’t moving it just knows that at that RPM the engine can run forever.
If you actually bothered to read my post, you’d know that the numbers ISN’T what I was referring to. It’s the actual green line. I’ve seen some move from left to right and I used the speedometer needle as an example how it moves from left to right.
I’ve seen on a video that the “fuel efficiency” green line also move from left to right when you accelerate. My question has nothing to do with the “current 99” as it would show on idle as I know, so no “that” doesn’t keep me up at night.
It’s the movement of the green line that’s in the middle. My question relates to why mine moves from right to left, it’s backwards, you get it?
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If you actually bothered to read my post, you’d know that the numbers ISN’T what I was referring to. It’s the actual green line. I’ve seen some move from left to right and I used the speedometer needle as an example how it moves from left to right.
I’ve seen on a video that the “fuel efficiency” green line also move from left to right when you accelerate. My question has nothing to do with the “current 99” as it would show on idle as I know, so no “that” doesn’t keep me up at night.
It’s the movement of the green line that’s in the middle. My question relates to why mine moves from right to left, it’s backwards, you get it?
I attempted to read your post but it was not easy to read. Take it to the dealer if you think it’s wrong. It’s under warranty.
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Must be a right hand drive. I bet your windshield wipers also move right to left instead of left to right.

JK. Right to left is how it is supposed to work. I’m pretty sure the numbers and the line are not showing the same thing. One is a reflection over time and the other is dynamic.
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Must be a right hand drive. I bet your windshield wipers also move right to left instead of left to right.

JK. Right to left is how it is supposed to work. I’m pretty sure the numbers and the line are not showing the same thing. One is a reflection over time and the
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I’m not sure which YouTube channel I seen it, it must have been the one where the channel owner was installing front headlight guards(I could be wrong), but near the end of video I noticed his fuel efficiency green line gauge would accelerate from left to right(as one would think that’s how it’s suppose to, it’s like going from 0-100, the needle would start off on the left.
This green efficient line suppose to start off on the left. I’ll try to make a video and maybe it’ll be more better to explain, coz it seems this gauge isn’t the same on all models since I’m getting different feedback. Which is why I’m curious if it’s a year, a model, or the fact it’s a Willys? I don’t know coz I’m new to Jeep. I just know it seems kinda odd it’s backwards.
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If you actually bothered to read my post, you’d know that the numbers ISN’T what I was referring to. It’s the actual green line. I’ve seen some move from left to right and I used the speedometer needle as an example how it moves from left to right.
I’ve seen on a video that the “fuel efficiency” green line also move from left to right when you accelerate. My question has nothing to do with the “current 99” as it would show on idle as I know, so no “that” doesn’t keep me up at night.
It’s the movement of the green line that’s in the middle. My question relates to why mine moves from right to left, it’s backwards, you get it?
The green line is a measure of efficiency, not fuel flow, so the current design makes sense.

I discovered that it you tap the right arrow on the steering wheel controls, you will get a more annoying display which also shows efficiency numbers in real time.
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The green line is a measure of efficiency, not fuel flow, so the current design makes sense.

I discovered that it you tap the right arrow on the steering wheel controls, you will get a more annoying display which also shows efficiency numbers in real time.
Maybe I’m wording it wrong, I know how the fuel efficiency works on a vehicle, my questions more of why the green “fuel efficiency” line moves from right to left on my Wilys, and on another YouTube channel I saw it move from left to right(the way needles on a speedometer functions).
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The Youtube video was filmed with a front facing camera so the original image was vertically flipped in order to more accurately reflect the natural symmetry in the human face resulting in the reversal of the left and right sides and also because no one cares.
This is a photo of a similar dash as 2024 Willys up here in Canada, only difference is we got kmh and not mph for speedometer.
So I don’t see how flipping the camera will more accurately reflect the natural symmetry in the human face. So if anyone else has a better answer this this last BS reply, lI’d like to hear it coz I care since it’s MY ride. If Jeep has done something that’s different I’d like to know so that I can forward them my findings and maybe get a replacement since it’s under warranty(heck this could even be part of a nationwide recall but none of you all probably care just like “Spazybit” over here, but I’d like to find out and do more research by asking y’all kind folks whose probably owned a Jeep or two and follow the Jeep brand in terms of new goodies on future models that you wish Jeep would come with. You mean to say that a newbie like myself whose never owned a Jeep in my life noticed a similarity defect but none of you all hasn’t?1703065680726.jpeg
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In all seriousness why haven't you taken it to the dealership yet. If it truly is bugged a computer update may fix it. A simpe Google search shows alot of other people having diffrent issues with that same "guage". My guess is it just sucks. The good news is the gauge is pointless anyways.
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So if anyone else has a better answer this this last BS reply, lI’d like to hear it coz I care since it’s MY ride. If Jeep has done something that’s different I’d like to know so that I can forward them my findings and maybe get a replacement since it’s under warranty(heck this could even be part of a nationwide recall but none of you all probably care just like “Spazybit” over here, but I’d like to find out and do more research by asking y’all kind folks whose probably owned a Jeep or two and follow the Jeep brand in terms of new goodies on future models that you wish Jeep would come with. You mean to say that a newbie like myself whose never owned a Jeep in my life noticed a similarity defect but none of you all hasn’t?
I'm not trying to be a dick, but you are really getting too worked up over this gauge thing. If you think it's a recall, call your dealer. I've had like 5 vehicles with digital estimated mpg and never used it on any. It's about as reliable as your prime minister.
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Not that I understand much of what you’re saying, bottom line is this.
If you are driving and stomp the gas, the line moves left, MPG number goes down.
Let off the gas and coast, line moves right, MPG number goes up.
If you’re sitting stopped at idle, line should be far left, MPG number should be 0. Why, you ask? Because you’re currently traveling 0 MPH so you are getting 0 MPG.
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Not that I understand much of what you’re saying, bottom line is this.
If you are driving and stomp the gas, the line moves left, MPG number goes down.
Let off the gas and coast, line moves right, MPG number goes up.
If you’re sitting stopped at idle, line should be far left, MPG number should be 0. Why, you ask? Because you’re currently traveling 0 MPH so you are getting 0 MPG.
Yeah but other peoples move the other way.
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In all seriousness why haven't you taken it to the dealership yet. If it truly is bugged a computer update may fix it. A simpe Google search shows alot of other people having diffrent issues with that same "guage". My guess is it just sucks. The good news is the gauge is pointless anyways.
I have, they don’t know squat either. Majority of them don’t even own a Jeep, which is why I’m here asking the Jeep community for some insight, but all I’m getting is backlashes.
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