FREE HAT to the first person who actually offends us! (litebrite)

I hope to hear about these assholes get put in their place by Litebrite..

Lol. You've been gone for a year or two and then show up to post in this thread? Unbelievable.

Either way, we haven't forgot about you. Or at least I haven't.

You're the guy that thought it was something to brag about that others are working to pay for your retirement like it was some funny joke:!?p=880797&viewfull=1#post880797

And you're also the guy that went to another forum and threatened physical violence against me personally if you ever ran into me on a trail:


Real stand up guy, you are.. :rolleyes2:

I hope to hear about these assholes get put in their place by Litebrite..

Since your such a fan of Lite Brite, why don't you spend more time in their internet circles rather than here. It's been nice not having you here.
Wayalife = National Geographic mini series

Litebrite = Mtv Show

Both are on TV but only one is videography.
I owe an apology

Last night in the thread regarding Lite Brite I expressed my opinion on both their videos as well as Eddie and Cindy's. In no way was I attempting to or meaning to disrespect Eddie and Cindy, their community, their hard work, or their online family. While I did not have any ill will or intentions to disrespect them, it wasn't until later that I saw how my post could be interpreted as such, and that is my fault that I am taking ownership of and for that I publicly apologize to Eddie, Cindy, and the rest of Wayalife.

I would also like to specifically apologize to OverlanderJK, as he is the one that pointed out how my post came across. So Adam, I am sorry for that as well and apologize for coming across as "slapping" anybody in the face. I would never have that intent.

This is an awesome community that I am happy and proud to be a part of, so the last thing I would want to do is offend or upset anybody.
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