easter jeep safari


New member
who is going and what are your routes


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I plan on making the trip this year. I'll be coming from Wisconsin and my wife and I will be taking the Jeep all the way there. We are not exactly sure on the route we are taking yet; because we are waiting to see if my wife can get the required days off. (We are taking April 1st through the 6th off work). We also don't plan on staying the entire week as we want to do some sight seeing in the other areas, however we do plan on leaving Friday, March 30th around 3:00CST

I will post more detailed information on routes and stops once I find out more info on my wife's vacation approval.

We hope to see you guys there.
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I'm trying to get a convoy together to roll in from Canada for EJS. Doesn't matter if anyone else comes, I'll be there for sure! Hope to see you all there!


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How's the weather in Moab in early April? Is it warm enough to do some tenting? Is there free camping or do you have to use designated sites?
BCJK said:
How's the weather in Moab in early April? Is it warm enough to do some tenting? Is there free camping or do you have to use designated sites?

Check out the site I posted below. There is some good info in there. Also it links the the club that hosts EJS and they have some great info. For you first timers like me, I suggest reading up on their site so you are prepared. You will be required to sign up and pay some fees; it's best to get this one a head of time, but as I understand it you can pay once you get there at the registration table.

I hope to meet some of you guys and put some faces to the names. I'll be the one with the Jeep. :)
I'll be registering on Friday, the second the site goes up :) Thanks!

Just a side note, I've made a public Facebook event for the big trip... Please give it a visit, join, share with your friends and re-post wherever possible! Thanks in advance :)


Cheers fellas! See you on the trail!

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The route starts in Calgary, goes south into the US towards Salt Lake City. The plan is to stay in Moab for a week for the Easter Jeep Safari, continue on to South Lake Tahoe to make an attempt at the Rubicon Trail over a weekend (I've been told it may be too snowy for Jeeps that time of year). After Rubicon, we continue west to San Francisco to chill for a day or two before moving up highways 1 and 101 towards Portland, Seattle and Vancouver then over to Kelowna. With the exception of attending the Easter Jeep Safari, none of this is written in stone, there is no set schedule or itinerary, and we can start/end the trip anywhere we want north of the 49th. LET'S DO THIS!!! It's going to be EPIC!
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