Big Bear

The BAD Influence

Active Member
We're heading to Big Bear for the 4th of July. Our only experience wheeling is Moab and Sand Hollow. We're thinking of doing Holcomb Creek, Gold Mountain, and John Bull. I'm seeing ratings like "Black Diamond" and it's making me nervous, because of my skiing experiences. In Moab we've done Cliffhanger and The The Rim. Sand Hollow Double Sammy, and The Maze. So, up to an 8 rating. How does that compare to Black Diamond? Any tips or suggestions for these trails?
Big bear is a 2 compared to everything else you ran. You have absolutely nothing to worry about its fun, but nothing that technical and nothing in Big Bear comes anywhere close to stuff in Sand Hollow and Moab. Be prepared to have a ton of cross-traffic on 4th of July
Thanks for the responses. We had a great time. My son smashed his stock steering stabilizer, and I tore the boot on our stock rear drive line. Nothing serious.
Was also surprised with how little traffic we ran into on the trails. Town however, was packed with people.
Let me know next time you come up. I’m always looking for people to run the Big Bear trails with.
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