2021 SEMA Show - 4x4 of the Year


Staff member
For those of you who didn't see, SEMA announced their pick for 4x4 of the year and the winner is...


Congratulations Ford for besting Jeep Wrangler for the very first time in over 10 years.

What is it based on? Popularity?
SEMA is all about the aftermarket industry and I'd have to say, there was a LOT of new products being made for Bronco. In fact, a lot of companies who actually showed up and would have normally shown Jeep stuff, had a Bronco on display instead. It'd be hard for me to not think that had a hand in them getting the title this year.
Not surprising being it’s the cool new thing, well at least the ones that don’t look like Honda CRVs, which I don’t mind some of the built ones.
I am not a Ford fan but a little competition for Jeep might end up getting us a better product in the end.

Congrats to Ford for this years win!

Time for Jeep to step up their game for next year!
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