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At least he seems to be easily trackable so you can catch him. My dad and I were fishing on an inflatable boat one time and one swam by right next to us near the surface. Fucker was huge. So cool to see.
I saw one crossing the road down on a dirt road in Delacroix LA…had to be close to a hundred pounds. Some locals came by in a truck, bonked it on the head with a pipe and threw it in the back of the truck…I’m sure it was soup soon after…
I saw one crossing the road down on a dirt road in Delacroix LA…had to be close to a hundred pounds. Some locals came by in a truck, bonked it on the head with a pipe and threw it in the back of the truck…I’m sure it was soup soon after…
Regular snapper or Alligator Snapper?
Regular snapper or Alligator Snapper?
I’m not sure I know the difference…but it was huge, and smelled pretty bad…hard to believe they are so good to eat. Whenever I go to Nawlins, I make a point to have some turtle soup
I’m not sure I know the difference…but it was huge, and smelled pretty bad…hard to believe they are so good to eat. Whenever I go to Nawlins, I make a point to have some turtle soup
Alligator snapper looks like a gator. Has spikes on the shell.
Alligator snapper looks like a gator. Has spikes on the shell.
It was 30 years ago…I don’t remember if it had spikes.

i remember when I was about 12 hooking a snapper with a shell almost two feet long with a live minnow while bass fishing…as long as it was floating , I could reel him in…as soon as he got close to shore and could get his feet on the bottom, I couldn’t budge it. After twenty minutes, I broke him off…
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