It’s Not About Respecting His Wishes, It’s About Freedom of Speech

It's his opinion but I don't have to agree with it, and I don't, it he doesn't own an SPOD he cannot give an accurate assessment of that product.
He can give an accurate assessment of his opinion of what his eyes are seeing though.
He can give an accurate assessment of his opinion of what his eyes are seeing though.
Not really, he's not a user of the product so he can't assess the cheapness of of that product if it's not in hand. Would you trust a reviewer that says It's cheap but never had it in his possession.
Since you run the site REVOKE My membership asshole.
I'll just return fire and will continue to do so, no one will run me off.
You just asked to be run off then say you won't be... Looks like you're just as "contrary" as you say we are.

As this point dude just take your blinged-out bro-truck and photoshopped "off road" pictures outta here on your own since you love your damn switch panel so much :ROFLMAO:
You have no freedom of speech. This site is not run by a City, County, State, or Federal Government. There is no .gov at the end of the web address.

Therefore it is a privately held entity. Your "Rights" stop at the door. You have privileges that can be revoked at any time.

I tried it the nice way, trust me with your attitude, you won't like the other way that's going to come.

Have a great day
Same goes for you buddy! better remember that and if you feel so entitled bring it on. I don't respond to threats especially from a Rubber DUCKY
You must be psychotic if you read a threat ANYWHERE in what I have posted.

Take your huge ego back to the mall.
This is a Threat you posted - I tried it the nice way, trust me with your attitude, you won't like the other way that's going to come.

I've also reported it to the Admins

If you think I'm Psychotic - then you might want to be more careful how you speak to people.
This is a Threat you posted - I tried it the nice way, trust me with your attitude, you won't like the other way that's going to come.

If you think I'm Psychotic - then you might want to be more careful how you speak to people.
That is not a threat, you're already receiving what I was talking about.

You're so full of yourself you don't know good advice when it's handed to you.
The internet has to recognize your freedom of speech and you can't have an opinion unless you experience it. Got it! (y)
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