The BEST "I HATE WAYALIFE" YouTube Video Comments

I get that you are a redneck, but slavery is nothing to be proud of!

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Except it doesn't represent slavery at all. The American flag was flown over slave fields before the confederate flag was. History is written by the victor. The North won the war, so they get to write the history of why the Civil War was fought, saying that all Southerners were racist slave owners, yet 90% of Confederate soldiers did not own slaves, and there were some black Confederate soldiers. What is being taught to the youth of today is warped. This is not the flag of the confederate states anyway, this is the confederate battle flag that was used on the battlefield. People claim it's offensive because hate groups use it. It's time y'all had a reality check.

You can educate ignorance, but you can't fix stupid. Educate yourself so next time you don't sound like a dipshit.
The BEST of WAYALIFE YouTube Hater Comments

Except it doesn't represent slavery at all. The American flag was flown over slave fields before the confederate flag was. History is written by the victor. The North won the war, so they get to write the history of why the Civil War was fought, saying that all Southerners were racist slave owners, yet 90% of Confederate soldiers did not own slaves, and there were some black Confederate soldiers. What is being taught to the youth of today is warped. This is not the flag of the confederate states anyway, this is the confederate battle flag that was used on the battlefield. People claim it's offensive because hate groups use it. It's time y'all had a reality check.

You can educate ignorance, but you can't fix stupid. Educate yourself so next time you don't sound like a dipshit.

I just think it's dumb. You never lived in the CSA. It's a flag of another country that doesn't exist anymore. Most people fly it more out of spite than pride. It's a symbol of a lot of things - most of them bad, most notably division.

I was born and raised in Georgia. I appreciate and respect the history of the confederacy and it's place in Georgia history. But that's history.

You know the swastika had a different meaning before it was co-opted by the Nazis, right? The stars and bars had a different meaning in the beginning, but now it stands as a symbol of hate to most people. That's all that matters, really.

But like I said, I just think it's dumb. I don't want to tell you that you shouldn't or can't fly it. Helps me spot the people I'm least likely to have a meaningful intellectual conversation with. Plus I'm a card carrying Libertarian so I'm ideologically opposed to telling you what you should or should not have hanging on your flag pole.

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LOL!! Just got this one in from a real winner who goes by the name, ILikeWetVaginas. Apparently, the music we used in our KEEP IT TIGHT video offended him as well as us saying "KEEP IT TIGHT" a thousand times. :crazyeyes:

Plus I'm a card carrying Libertarian so I'm ideologically opposed to telling you what you should or should not have hanging on your flag pole.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Then keep your thoughts to yourself.

If he wanted to put a flag up with 2 lesbians wearing strap ons pig roasting a hippopotamus on HIS garage wall, let it be.

Keep your 2 faced political views to yourself. "Your stupid unless you agree with everything I think" shit can stuff it.

(No hippopotamus were harmed in the creation of this post)
The BEST of WAYALIFE YouTube Hater Comments

Then keep your thoughts to yourself.

If he wanted to put a flag up with 2 lesbians wearing strap ons pig roasting a hippopotamus on HIS garage wall, let it be.

Keep your 2 faced political views to yourself. "Your stupid unless you agree with everything I think" shit can stuff it.

(No hippopotamus were harmed in the creation of this post)

Uh, I said I believe you have the right to do what you want. Not that you should be free from criticism. I can support your right to do something and still be critical of it.

It's a flag in HIS garage, but he posted a picture of it on the Internet in a community of people that don't live in HIS house so it's a bit of a public statement now.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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LOL!! Just got this one in from a real winner who goes by the name, ILikeWetVaginas. Apparently, the music we used in our KEEP IT TIGHT video offended him as well as us saying "KEEP IT TIGHT" a thousand times. :crazyeyes:

At least he has a cool screen name. I'm guessing he doesn't like his vaginas tight though.

If he wanted to put a flag up with 2 lesbians wearing strap ons pig roasting a hippopotamus on HIS garage wall, let it be.

(No hippopotamus were harmed in the creation of this post)

Do you have a link to that by chance?
Son of a bitch I was laughing so hard and shaking the bed that my soon to be wife woke up and now I'm in the other room still laughing my ass off.

I would not click on any of those links... Even in the other room...

Back to hating on Eddie for using his time and money to make videos we love to watch.... regardless of what he put on his walls... unless it's a vote Hillary poster. Then I'm out of here.
Then keep your thoughts to yourself.

If he wanted to put a flag up with 2 lesbians wearing strap ons pig roasting a hippopotamus on HIS garage wall, let it be.

Keep your 2 faced political views to yourself. "Your stupid unless you agree with everything I think" shit can stuff it.

(No hippopotamus were harmed in the creation of this post)

Well done sir, well done.
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