Finally got my new seats!


New member
Here are a few pics of my old and new seats for my YJ. It took a while but I finally have new COMFORTABLE seats, that and no more duck tape!
Got new sliders at the same time, both the seats and sliders were worn out to the point you could not adjust the seats at all.
That and the passanger side, which used to be the drivers side, frame was starting to bend and break.

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One thing I did notice right away, you sit much higher in the new seats and you sit a little more upright as well.
My first good run will be Sunday so I will know then how well they work or don't work. You never know until you know.
Those look nice. Congratulations.

New seat smell is definitely better than old seat smell! :icon_crazy:
Got the chance to test my new seat yesterday

Went on a club run up Goler Wash, over Mengal Pass, and into Butte Valley and checked out all three cabins up there. The new seats are great, way more comfortable and made the long day more enjoyable. Left the house at 7am and got back home at 530pm and had to fight the wind all the way home. Hell I had to drive in 3rd gear all the way from Trona to Ridgecrest cause the wind was horrible. :shock:
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