Exteme experience.


New member
Hi there !

First of all I don't have any deathwish nor have any suicidal tendencies. :nuts:

Ok then, I'm planning a trip where no one ever gone through...yet. I know it sounds like "One car too far". I'm not going to bash on this but to clarify things up, I disliked the show as an off roader and I did have the idea to do that kind of stuff before the show apeared.

I won't go in there all alone and I want to film this entire trip. Since this kind of trip is quite risky, I want to go there fully prepared and need to be able to fix a lot of things on the field.

Here's an example of what I want to go through


Planing on getting from A to B through the woods with ye ol' compass/topo map

So ... Anybody here ever attempted anything like this ? I'd like to hear any personnal experience you got :) Also, throw out any idea of what you would bring along to this trip ! I might have missed out some things.

P.S. Bringing a hot chick is already on my list :LOL: I just don't think they would venture in this :grayno:
How long do you think it will take you to complete this? That will play a big part in food/water supplies, and the additional food/water for the unexpected. Aside from that i'd make sure all your recovery gear is in good shape and functional. A good set of tools, spare fluids (motor oil/filter, trans fluid, gear oil, etc), tire plugs/pump, spare u-joints, belts/hose, and shovel/multi-tool. I know a lot of this seems obvious, but i have seen a lot of people take long trips and not have anything besides food/water/shelter. I'd say the list of stuff can get real big in a hurry :beer:
I want it to be a one week trip (more or less) I would have prefered to go with 2 doors jeeps only but this will limitate the carrying capabilities too much, at least have one 4 doors. So we'll bring chainsaw along, if we have no choice but to make a path we will make one.

It is still early to get the real distance I want to go trough but I will be doing some "little experience" in the meanwhile. Just to get an idea of what it would be.
From the Google Maps plot it looks like it's in a very wet area. Is this all heavy forest or is it some sort of oil or logging road, old trail, etc. What will the temps be during that time of year? How far will you actually be traveling?
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End of summer / Beginning of Autumn... Somewhere around that seems the best time for me.

Well, looking at the map, you will be on recognized routes and most likely at the driest time of the year. So long as you go with at least one other Jeep, I think you'd be good :yup:
I'd say it's heavy forest, there is no logging or anything (As far as I know) and it is indeed a very wet area wich is why I'm planning going at that time of the year.

Where it starts getting hardcore is that there is no road at all, just homemade atv's trails. I think I made a mistake using google map with direction. I'm not planing following the direction it give since it's plain driveable road. I'm considering going from A to B in straight line...(As long as the terrain allows it. There is a lot of valley and cliffs.)

Basically I'm going to make my own road.
I'd say it's heavy forest, there is no logging or anything (As far as I know) and it is indeed a very wet area wich is why I'm planning going at that time of the year.

Where it starts getting hardcore is that there is no road at all, just homemade atv's trails. I think I made a mistake using google map with direction. I'm not planing following the direction it give since it's plain driveable road. I'm considering going from A to B in straight line...(As long as the terrain allows it. There is a lot of valley and cliffs.)

Basically I'm going to make my own road.

Wow, they allow that up in Canada? You could never do something like that legally here in America.
Since it's in the crown's land where anybody can go there to fish or hunt I did not think of that. I know I can't get on private properties by mistake and "theoretically" I'm just a fisherman looking for the grail... But well, I'll check it out in case I'm getting into something with legal matters.
x2! Although I am glad because the forests would be a mess if that was allowed.

Hmmmmm, yeah I got your point. Didn't occur to me that way. Going to check this out with the right people there, don't want to attract too much trouble.

Thanks for that head's up, could have ended in a nasty dead end ;)
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