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  1. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada Part 2

    Short answer not really, but I mapped it out before going and I knew it was going to be close based on how much extra I could bring, mileage, ect. The 392 obviously isn’t know for good mpg, but I figured I’d have about 30 miles till empty when I came out to the first town and it was pretty...
  2. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada Part 2

    I’m happy to be able to and appreciate you tuning in!
  3. benatc1

    Want a Horse?

    My parents get over ran with them out in Stagecoach if they don’t keep their main gate closed. Kinda wild how quickly they show up
  4. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada Part 2

    For those of you who are interested, here is part 2 of our Journey, Learned a lot not his trip and even had a small fire (which I didn't fully catch on camera). thanks for checking it out!
  5. benatc1

    2010 JKUR Motech Built

    Haha, the only thing I’d add, and it’s kinda in line with what Overlander said, is things are only worth what people will pay, so if you have a magic # that you can let it go for than I’d say do it if you feel it’s right, but if you don’t need the cash and love the jeep stay firm, someone may...
  6. benatc1

    2010 JKUR Motech Built

    I’d agree, don’t get rid of it if you don’t have to, especially with how much you love it, unless course you have big plans for another one of your Jeeps with the money 😂
  7. benatc1

    2010 JKUR Motech Built

    Someone will get a sweet Jeep! GLWS
  8. benatc1

    A Dirt Head's JK

    Looks like a great day! Thanks for sharing
  9. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    Thank you! lol thanks man!
  10. benatc1

    Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

    It’s funny, with all the time my brother spent there, i didn’t know the name changed up until like 9 months ago lol. Glad it’s back tho
  11. benatc1

    Hello from Alabama.

    Welcome to WAL!
  12. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    Thank you, I will say it’s definitely a commitment to video log stuff, learning a lot
  13. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    Thank you guys!
  14. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    Thank you, l’ll post in a few days Thanks Mike! Glad you enjoyed it Haha thanks my man, idk about all that but I’m trying, and I appreciate you saying so! Thanks again Eddie for letting me share this with everyone!
  15. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    Thank you guys!
  16. benatc1

    NEW Change to the Forum Rules - MEMBER VIDEOS

    Eddie this is super cool of you to host this in a sense for everyone who’s active here, I hope people post up a lot of cool stuff!
  17. benatc1

    My Journey To Massacre Rim, Nevada- Part 1

    I started this journey of creating adventure videos a few months ago, mainly to make myself get off road more and use my Jeep the way I really want to. If I can make 1 video a month then that means that I'm getting out and exploring at least once a month, which prior to this would be lucky if I...
  18. benatc1

    Best Home Adds and Fixtures

    That’s such a good call, I just re did mine too with magnetic vent, so much better
  19. benatc1

    Best Home Adds and Fixtures

    Nice, Yea definitely don’t need em everywhere but pick your spots
  20. benatc1

    Best Home Adds and Fixtures

    Lots of good stuff here. I’ll throw in a small one. Outlets with usb/usb-c plugs built in. Just redid my kitchen with them and it’s a game changer
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