2017 WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust : Primm to Beatty


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At over 110,000 square miles in size, Nevada is the 7th largest state in the union and the only one to have more ghost towns than populated ones. Amazingly, many of these remnants of a former glory still have at least one establishment that can be found open for business and as you might be able to guess, that would be a saloon. Inspired by our good friend Jim McGean, Cindy and I have been on a mission to imbibe in as many of these historic watering holes as we can and get to them while traveling all off road and as much as possible, on old stage routes and emigrant trails. We call our quest the WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust and on our most recent adventures, we covered the southwestern end of the silver state making our way from the border town of Primm and ending our overland journey in the old mining town of Beatty. The following are photos from all the fun we had and we hope you enjoy them.

Primm is where it Begins
Being that our starting point was all the way down on the southern end of the state, Cindy and I decided to head out to Tonopah a day early to help break up the drive. Although it rained on us the whole way down, the weather forecast called for clear skies all weekend long.

Even though our whiskey trip hadn't officially started, that wasn't gonna stop us from partaking in a bit at our home away from home, the magnificent Mizpah Hotel.

After shutting down the hotel bar, we made our way across the street and enjoyed another round at the historic Tonopah Liquor Company. I should note these guys have an impressive collection of fine whiskeys and we got started with finger of Angels Envy.

With half our drive out of the way, we decided to take our time the following morning and do a bit of exploring on our way down to Primm.


On the final stretch to our Whiskey Wanderlust starting point and just because we could, all on dirt.

Home for the night at Buffalo Bills.

As luck would have it, Jason and Amy and Susan and Tom were already at the bar and waiting for us.

Thanks to Friday night traffic and a plane that decided to land in the middle of I-15, it took a bit longer for the rest of the gang to show up but we were still able to dine together at the ever luxurious Denny's.

DAY 1 - The Road to Pahrump
Day 1 of the WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust would take us out to Goodsprings where we'd get to kick off our day with breakfast and booze over at the Pioneer Saloon. From there, we'd make our way over to the Mountain Springs Saloon before visiting Cathedral Canyon and finishing things up over at the Pahrump Valley Winery.

LOL!! The first trail damage in our group and we hadn't even started. On the morning of our trip, this is what we saw as we walked out to our Jeeps.

Apparently, the desert was kind enough to leave Garrett with a present as he attempted to skirt around the traffic that he and Lauren were in the night before.

While it isn't advisable to do long term, plugging the hole would get the job done quickly and easily and would hold up just fine for what we were going to be doing and so, that what we decided to do.

All patched up and ready to go. I must say, the creosote branch was quite a bit bigger than I though it was going to be LOL!

With the hole in Garrett's tire plugged, we were ready to hit the dirt and head out to the first stop of the day.

WooHoo - wide open desert ahead!


Making a quick stop to regroup and make sure everyone was still on the right trail.

Turning north and making our way to Goodsprings along a powerline road.


Regrouping once again on the edge of Goodsprings.

The Pioneer Saloon - Goodsprings, NV
And here we are, our first destination of the day and breakfast stop - the world famous Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, Nevada!

The Goodsprings Valley was originally settled back in the 1860's by Joseph Good and was known at the time as "Good's Spring". After the Yellow Pine Mine was established in the early 1900's, the settlement became a became a boomtown and the name was shorted to what it is today. To help facilitate the miners coming into the area, a number of businesses were established including the Pioneer Saloon which was built by the prominent businessman, George Fayle in 1913.


Both the inside and outside walls of the Pioneer Saloon are made entirely out of pre-fabricated pressed tin and ordered from Sears Roebuck back in 1913. This building exist today as one of the last of it's kind.

On July 3, 1915, a man by the name of Paul Coski was caught cheating during a poker game and after a scuffle ensued, he was shot to death by Joe Armstrong. The holes from the bullets that killed him can still be found in the pressed tin walls. Here's Moochie explaining how it all happened.


Although the bar at the Pioneer Saloon was installed in 1913, it was originally made back in the 1860's by the Brunswick Company in Maine.

CHEERS to kicking off the WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust!

Lauren enjoying a bloody marry for breakfast and Garrett choose to having his cereal in a can.

Tom, Susan, Steph and Tony ready to mac on the tasty food they just ordered up.

Michelle and Et having their seat at the fateful table that Paul Coski was killed at.

The dining room of the Pioneer Saloon also serves as a museum and among other things, has photos and memorabilia highlighting the lives of Clark Gable and his wife, Carole Lombard. On Friday, January 16, 1942, Carole Lombard was on board a TWA flight heading to Los Angeles when the DC-3 she was on crashed into Double Up Peak near Mount Potosi. Although it was a clear night, the plane was 6.7 miles off course and airway beacons in the area were blacked out due to the war. All 22 passengers were killed.

Because Adam is what he is, Cindy and I thought it would be nice to get him a shot glass to make it official - a Certified Card Carrying Asshole. And yes, I have one too :crazyeyes:

After a crazy good breakfast including jalapeno bacon and ghost pepper aioli, it was time to get back out onto dirt and shake everything inside of us up.




Pulling into the old mining camp of Potosi.

After a Paiute Indian showed Mormon minders that "heavy rocks" could be found in the area back in 1856, the Potosi Mine officially became the oldest mine in southern Nevada. However, it wouldn't be until 1913 when the Empire Zinc Company that it would extract significant amounts of lead and silver and become the largest zinc producer in the state of Nevada. Mining in the area ceased around 1930.

Exploring some of the ruins surrounding Potosi Spring.


Surprisingly, Potosi Spring continues to bubble up cold water right out of the ground.


Mountain Springs Saloon - Mountain Springs, NV
After working our way up and over Potosi Pass, we found ourselves at our next destination of the day, the world famous Mountain Springs Saloon.

In a quest to find a shortcut connecting the Las Vegas Valley and the Pahrump Valley along the Old Spanish Trail, John C. Fremont discovered a pass over the Spring Mountain in 1844. By 1848, Mountain Springs was used extensively as a watering stop and camping spot by travelers making their way from from Salt Lake City to Southern California along along what was then referred to as, the Mormon Road.

Out in the middle of the parking area, there's a small patch of artificial grass that does serve as a putting green but is also where you can find one of the original concrete monuments that was erected back in the early 20th century to commemorate the Old Spanish Trail.

Time for some drinks!

Dave and Sara trying to decide what order up next.

As is the case in so many saloons across Nevada, the walls in this one is covered in dollar bills.

Moochie trying peel off some beer money.

Lauren, Kristen, Chris and Tony all having a good time - Adam wondering why I'm taking another pic :crazyeyes:

Jason and Amy definitely having a good time.

From the Mountain Springs Saloon - CHEERS!

Before leaving, Sara thought it'd be fun to add a bill to the walls of the Mountain Springs Saloon and so I scribbled a little something on one. Then, with some glue provided by the saloon, Sara got the bill ready to be stuck on the wall.


Leaving the Mountain Springs Saloon, we worked our way down the mountains.

Coming out of the mountains and into the valley below along the Old Spanish Trail.

It's always an awesome feeling to travel along a historic route especially when it still looks much like it did, almost 200 years ago.


Pulling up to another historic trail maker along the Old Spanish Trail.

It's always fun to get out at these points and get a better feel for what it would have been like as a traveler way back when.

On the move again and on our way to our next destination of the day.


And here we are, Cathedral Canyon.

Inspired by an earthquake devastated church he once saw in Guatemala, Roland Wiley began building an open air cathedral in one of the many box canyons on his Hidden Hills Ranch. It took him about 10 years to complete but by 1972, it was opened to the public.

In addition to being completely electrified with lights and a sound system that anyone could use, there were two center pieces that everyone enjoy and the first of which was a 200 ft. suspension bridge spanning the small canyon and modeled after the Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge was removed some time ago.

The other center piece was a replica statue of Christ the Redeemer of the Andes which stands on the border of Argentina and Chile. Sadly, all that's left of it is its headless, limbless and shot up body.



Climbing down into the cathedral.

On the far end of the canyon, there used to be a small pond from which water was pumped to the top and allowed to flow back down like a waterfall.


Unfortunately, the pond is now dry and no water falls from above.

If you look carefully, you can still see the painting that depicts the Sermon on the mound.

A view looking back out the canyon.

Back-lit stained glass, statues, tributes to saints and one even to Abraham Lincoln used to fill the many niches on the canyon walls and the entire place could be illuminated by anyone with a simple flip of a switch. Within a year or two of Wiley's death back in 1994, all of this was destroyed.


At the far end of the canyon is the grave marker dedicated to Queho, the Last Renegade Indian. Back in 1910, he was accused of murder and ultimately was suspected of at least 23 others as well and countless thefts. For a time, his name became synonymous with the boogeyman and mothers would threaten their kids with it. By 1919, Queho had completely disappeared from the area and it wouldn't be until 20 years later than his mummified remains would be found in a cave near the Hoover Dam by prospectors. After having his body paraded for years by the Elks Lodge, Wiley bought the remains for $100 and gave Queho a proper burial on his Ranch.


A parting shot before making our way to our final destination of the day.

Pahrump Valley Winery - Pahrump, NV
It was dark by the time we pulled into Pahurmp and arrived at our final destination of the day, the Pahrump Valley Winery. While Nevada isn't exactly known for its wines, there are several vineyards in the state and fortunately, we made it here just in time to do a little tasting before dinner.

Grapes were first planted in the Pahrump Valley back in 1990 but it wasn't until Bill and Gretchen Loken took over things in 2003 that this became the first winery in the State of Nevada.



After our tasting, we made our way to The Symphony, the restaurant that's a part of the winery and known for its fine dining.

To an awesome day wandering our way across the desert and enjoying some awesome watering holes. CHEERS!

Of course, no steak and wine dinner would be complete without a little ice cream desert at Dairy Queen :)

DAY 2 - The Road to Beatty
Our second day on the WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust would take us from the town of Paharump, up to Ash Meadows and then out to Crystal for lunch over at the Short Branch Saloon. From there, we would make our way to California to visit the Amargosa Opera House and then make our way back in to Nevada and to our final destination of the trip, Beatty.

Good morning from Pahrump.

After an outstanding breakfast over at Mom's Diner, maybe the best breakfast chow house in town, it was time to head out.

Just outside of town, we were back on the trail.

A long time after Nevada became a state, there was a lot of confusion as to where the actual boundary between it and California was. In 1872, Allexey Von Schmidt was hired by the government and provided $40,750.32 to do just this. Unfortunately, surveying was done using line of sight and even back then, it was well known that there would be errors that needed to be corrected. Unable to secure new funds to make these corrections, the line he established in 1873 stood as the actual boundary for 20 year and is known today as, the Von Schmidt Line of 1873. Our trek up to our first destination of the day would take us right along this line.

Continuing our trek across the desert.

Ash Meadows
Named after the ash trees that once filled the area, this beautiful part of the Nevada desert known as Ash Meadows almost became a city with 35,000 homes back in the mid 20th century. Thanks to conservation and preservation efforts, the land was eventually purchased by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and made into a wildlife refuge in 1984.

Our first stop in Ash Meadows was over at the Point of Rocks.


After short walk along a wooden boardwalk, we arrived at the crystal blue waters of the Kings Pool.


It's difficult to see but if you look real carefully, you can spot a couple of iridescent blue pup fish that are endangered and can only be found in these waters.

Leaving the Point of Rocks, we got back in our Jeeps and headed to the northwest end of the refuge to visit Longstreet Spring.

Going on another short walk along a nice wooden boardwalk.

One of the first pioneers to live in the area was a guy who went by the name, Jack Longstreet. Nobody knew what his real name was but his ability to read and write suggested that he was educated and distinct drawl he had pointed to the fact that he was probably from the south. A notable feature of his was that the top of one of his ears was cut off, something that was done to horse thieves who were too young to go to the gallows. Among the many hats he wore to survive in the area including that of a prospector, rancher, saloon keeper and a trail blazer, it was the notches on his gun that made him someone to fear. This is the stone cabin he built in 1896 which stands by the spring that still bears his name.


With his cabin built into the hillside, temperatures inside the cabin stayed cooler even during the hottest months of summer. A hole dug in the wall allowed water to seep in and keep things cool enough to act as a cold storage for food.


Just across the way from the Longstreet Cabin is the Longstreet Spring.

Just like all the pools in the area, the waters here are crystal clear and blue in color.

Before leaving the refuge, we made a final stop over at Devil's Hole.

Taking a short hike up to the hole, a geothermal aquifer-fed pool that lies deep within a limestone cavern.

With a population of less than 200, the pupfish that live in Devils Hole are considered to be the rarest fish in the world. While fish like this once teamed in an ancient lake thousands of years ago, they became isolated in this location as the waters disappeared. To help protect the few that remain from yahoos, a prison like fence has been erected around its entrance.


Looking down into the Devils Hole, a cavern that not only contains endangered pupfish but is also one that nobody knows how deep it is.

Leaving Ash Meadows, we blasted across the desert as we headed east toward the Crystal.

Miss Kathy's Short Branch Saloon - Crystal, NV
Welcome to Crystal, Nevada, a small unincorporated town without a store, gas station or even a post office but is home to two different brothels and of course, Miss Kathy's Short Branch Saloon.



As some of you may recall, it was here at the Short Branch Saloon where Cindy and I ordered up some food and drinks only to later find out that we didn't have any money to pay for them. It was Miss Kathy who had faith in us to come back and square things up the next time we came by.

To good times with great friends - CHEERS!

Moochie, Chris, Tony, Tom, Susan and Lisa enjoying the fine drinks at the Short Branch.

Michelle and Steph enjoying some tasty bloody marys!

Tina and Adam giving us their best frowns :cool:

And here we have Amy, Cindy, Steph, Et, Michelle and Jason getting ready for lunch.

Miss Kathy's meatloaf sandwich - YUM!!

Garrett and Lauren ordering up another round.

Some of the decorations in the ladies room of this fine establishment.



In addition to all the boobie pics, this was on the men's wall.

Unfortunately, it was time for us to leave Miss Kathy and move on to our next stop of the day.

Amargosa Opera House
A hop skip and a jump to the west and we were in the golden state to visit an iconic destination known as the Amargosa Opera House.


Back in the early 1920's, the Pacific Coast Borax Company constructed a series of building to be used as an employees headquarters, house company offices, provide dormitory and facilitate a 23 room hotel complete with dining room and store. On the north end of the complex, there was a large hall that was used for a variety of community services including town halls, dances, church services and to show movies. After the start of WWII, the Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad shut down and after the tracks were removed in 1942, the town of Amargosa all but died. It wouldn't be until 1967 that Marta Becket would come to town, rent the hall, restore it, paint murals on the walls and make it into the Opera House it is today.




Early on, Marta Becket would preform 3 days as week and even to an empty hall or at least, until she finished painted an audience on the the walls and ceiling.







It took 6 years to complete the paintings but they were the best 6 years of Marta's life and of all the cats she had, 2 spent their time with her all throughout and one of them was Tuxedo.

This is the stage that Marta performed on for 40 years.



After our tour of the Amargosa Opera House, we said our goodbyes to a few in our group and then made our way back into Nevada.

Garrett was so happy to be back in the land of debauchery, he jumped on the first tit - er, I mean, teat he could find.

Before the Tonopah & Tidewater Railroad was completed, teams of horses and mules hauled freight between the Bullfrog mining district and Las Vegas which, at the time, was the location of the nearest railroad. By 1905, there were as many as 1,500 horses used to haul freight on this route.

Did I mention how dusty this route was?

As we made our way north to Beatty, we were treated to a gorgeous sunset.



What a surprise, looks like we won't be off the trail before nightfall.


After it was completed in 1907, the Tonopah & Tidewater Railroad was 200 mile long and extended from Ludlow, CA to Beatty, NV. It was built to transport borax during its heyday and it's old burm is what we were driving on here.

After a really long day out on the trail seeing all kinds of cool stuff and having a great time at place like the Short Branch Saloon, we finally made it to our final destination, Beatty. CHEERS from the KC Outpost!

To truly an amazing time with people we love, CHEERS!
BONUS PICS : Parting is such sweet sorrow
Our final morning with all our friends started off with the most amazing sunrise.

Deja vu? As we walked out to our Jeeps, we noticed that Tom's was sitting a bit low up front.

Seems that we've seen this before.

Fortunately, we had the technology and we could plug it.


Although, there was something else amiss that we noticed and couldn't address at this time.

Nah, it wasn't dusty at all last night :crazyeyes:

Before parting ways, we decided to make a quick trip to explore the ghost town of Rhyolite.






Can't visit Rhyolite without stopping to say hello to the naked lego lady.

Garrett pretending to be Al Franken to see if they're real.

Moochie was more into her rear end.

Sometimes, Moochie feels as if he's running around in circles.

And sadly, the end of our WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust is finally here.

A BIG Thanks to all our friends for joining us on yet another adventure across the silver state and in an overland quest to imbibe in historic saloons. A trip like this just wouldn't be the same without all of you. In fact, if any of you have some pics you took along the way and are willing to share, Cindy and I would LOVE to see them posted up here. :yup:
Great times with great people this is what wayalife is all about. Cant wait to the next run. Cheers 🍺


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Awesome pictures and thanks for having us along! What a blast these have been! Can’t wait for the next one.

Oh and that picture of Tina and I may be the best one we’ve take. :cheesy:

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
That looks like a great way to spend a weekend!

It sure was but of course, wheeling across Nevada and drinking in historic saloons with good friends any day of the week :D

Wayalife all the way!!!! Thank you for sharing your awesome experience [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106] and for making it all possible for us to see.

Glad you enjoyed the trip and pics :cool:

I love all the pictures and sites thanks for sharing

Thanks, glad you liked them :)
Great times with great people this is what wayalife is all about. Cant wait to the next run. Cheers 🍺

So glad that you and Sara were able to join us on this trip :thumb:

Awesome pictures and thanks for having us along! What a blast these have been! Can’t wait for the next one.

Oh and that picture of Tina and I may be the best one we’ve take. :cheesy:

:cheesy: You two make a cute couple :crazyeyes:
BTW, for those of you who are interested, here's a video of Cathedral Canyon that was made soon after Roland Wiley's death.

Also, here's a shot of what the place looked like back in the day.

Last but not least, here's a shot of Quehoe after his body was found.
Another awesome trip in the books from the Wayalife crew! Thanks for sharing your adventure! Btw, I need to find that plug kit. That inserter tool is badass. Screw my lil cheap one haha
Wanderlust Fever

Always such a wonderful recounting of events and experiences. Truly, a lifelong memory for all blessed in accompanying in this adventure.
Thank you for sharing and instilling the ideology of Wayalife. You rock.
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