Eddie, the way you interact with people on here - you would've gotten you fired

I try to come to terms with you and squash this ridiculousness that's ensued.

I NEVER asked you to come to terms with anything. The ridiculousness only ensued because of you trying to self-righteously preach at me.

...but I'm the one who wants only to create a problem, and not understand YOU.

YES - had you NOT come on here to self-righteously preach at me, there wouldn't be a problem here.

You created this thread with a chip on your shoulder...and you won't let it go.

Uhh, duh! This is after all, MY HOUSE but make no mistake, you are my guest here and it is YOU who won't let it go.

Got it Eddie.... Do what you gotta do buddy.

Good, glad you finally got it through your head. It is what I've been saying all along :naw:
My apologies if you think a mistake I made makes me a little "shoddy"

You'll comment back and forth on here, but I sent you my number and you won't call me so we can discuss this. You obviously want to continue our conversation. So call me.

How have I been self-righteous? I made a comment about how I didn't think it was appropriate for a business owner to be disclosing conversations for the purpose of tearing some guy down. As I don't own a business....I can't be making self-righteous claims. It's a good thing this is YOURS, otherwise the way you interact with customers/ people on here would've gotten you fired from anywhere else. I can take a joke, I understand fucking with people, and I realize that there are times and places to take the piss out of someone. I was in the Marine Corps, it's not about me having thin skin. But I've seen you play this game with multiple people on here. I know I know, it's always just you being sarcastic or facetious and no one ever getting that...but apparently a lot of people on here don't get it, as I'm not the first person you've taken this hostile/degrading/argumentative tone with.

You even did this to me on another post when I was asking about BB lift clarification. If you do it every now and then, it's sarcasm. If it's all you ever do, when someone poses a differing thought, it's being a dick. There's a difference. If you wish to cease this childish back and forth and call me, so we can actually speak and clear the air, and I can better convey these thoughts to you...you've got my number in the store email. Call or don't, either route will say everything that needs to be said about you.

P.S. Thanks for the new avatar image. I like clowns.

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"don't let the bastards get you down".

Since you dragged me in, let's take a closer look at you, our friend, tirelessly defending Eddie and the Forum:

Facts about aWIGHTguy:
Lurking since last October.
Finally decides to participate last week for the first time.
12 post outside of this thread.

Who the Fuck Are You?! Your as green as green gets on this forum, but you feel the need to show Ed the light? Get real and get out already!
Pretty sure Eddie didn't change your avatar. He's already said he didn't want to talk to you. You look a little more like an ass, every time you post.

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First, I didn't DRAG you in. I believe that you're a big boy and no one can make you do anything you don't want to. I was speaking in generalities, but we sure have a lot people saying to stop being so sensitive while they take up the keysword to defend actions taken or rebut everything I say lol it's like McDonalds in here....I'm lovin' it.

Facts about sipafz:
He's been here since 2015 (a whopping year and half longer, insert slow clap[emoji1376])
He's from Wisconsin.
He's a dad.
He bought his first Wrangler last year.

Here some more facts about aWIGHTguy:

My first jeep was a 1973 CJ-5, that I got about 15 years ago. I've owned 4 other wranglers. I've got an old Datsun 280z, I've got a motorcycle....anything you wanna know about me? I'm a Virgo[emoji28]

You buy your first Wrangler last year and think because you've got a little time on a forum, that you're somehow better, or can cast a some proverbial shadow on me? You're (I think was your intended spelling) about as green as green gets in the Wrangler world.

Alice, who TF is Alice?!

What's your point? Are you just trying to cause an argument too? What's your endgame? How's this end in your head?

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Pretty sure Eddie didn't change your avatar. He's already said he didn't want to talk to you. You look a little more like an ass, every time you post.

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I'm pretty new here and gotta say well said but that might be bias on me because for some reason I read the thread and dont have a clue as to why this guy went to this length and hasn't made a point to Eddie being in the wrong

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He replied....

Don't speak out against anyone on WAL admin list or they'll hack your profile and start messing with it. Then they'll move comment from the original thread to make it look like you started a whole new thread with a sensational title. Hahaha These guys are great��������������������������
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Do you see the hypocritical BS that happens on here now? Says he's not vindictive...moves or has someone else move this thread to make it look like I created a thread just to call him out. Hahaha

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You'll comment back and forth on here, but I sent you my number and you won't call me so we can discuss this. You obviously want to continue our conversation. So call me.

Apparently, English a second language to you or you're just not very good at reading comprehension. Just like you've made a whole lot of nothing out of my original post, you clearly have missed the part where I said that I wasn't interested in hearing you preach at me. Why you would think I'd want to subject myself to your self-righteous drivel over a phone is beyond me.

How have I been self-righteous? I made a comment about how I didn't think it was appropriate for a business owner to be disclosing conversations for the purpose of tearing some guy down.

Ummm, by self-righteously preaching at me about how you didn't think it was appropriate for me to disclose a conversation that I had. NOTHING in the post I shared was made to "tear some guy down" and just because you took the way people were responding to what I said, doesn't make it true. If you didn't like what I said or how I said it, you could have lead by example and contacted me by PM but no, you had your own agenda to fulfill.

As I don't own a business....I can't be making self-righteous claims.

LOL!! The self-righteous always preach about what they BELIEVE and NOT what they actually UNDERSTAND.

It's a good thing this is YOURS, otherwise the way you interact with customers/ people on here would've gotten you fired from anywhere else.

So you say and so I have been told. While you might find the way I interact with customers/people as somehow being deplorable, I see it as being honest and transparent. In spite of what you see as being a failing, here I sit living a life most would envy. I'm sure it boggles your mind how a guy like me ever get to a place like this.

I can take a joke, I understand fucking with people, and I realize that there are times and places to take the piss out of someone. I was in the Marine Corps, it's not about me having thin skin. But I've seen you play this game with multiple people on here. I know I know, it's always just you being sarcastic or facetious and no one ever getting that...but apparently a lot of people on here don't get it, as I'm not the first person you've taken this hostile/degrading/argumentative tone with.

Here we go - gotta love a guy who feels the need to throw out the military card. Look, thank you for your service and I'm sorry that a post I made was still able to get under your skin. :rolleyes2:

You even did this to me on another post when I was asking about BB lift clarification. If you do it every now and then, it's sarcasm. If it's all you ever do, when someone poses a differing thought, it's being a dick. There's a difference. If you wish to cease this childish back and forth and call me, so we can actually speak and clear the air, and I can better convey these thoughts to you...

LOL!! Simply unbelievable that you're butthurt over a comment on another thread and enough so that you had to bring up now. Wow, I can't believe you served in the Marines.

you've got my number in the store email. Call or don't, either route will say everything that needs to be said about you.

Cool, if that says all that needs to be said about me, maybe you'll actually be a man of your word for once in your life and be "done" like you said you were 2 hours ago. :naw:

P.S. Thanks for the new avatar image. I like clowns.

As much as the avatar is fitting, I'm sorry to say that I can't take credit for it.
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