Here to pimp my video and two members support me

No, I actually completely understand... I just disagree.

It's one thing for someone to come on and try and sell things or to post something for personal gain after being inactive for a period or just joining... I've seen that time and time again and completely understand why it's frowned upon... makes perfect sense.

On the other hand, were talking about a recap video (not a promotional video) of people at Christmas time doing a good deed to help others and the op is accused of pimping, being self righteous, tasteless amongst other things... all because he hadn't posted in a while?! Where in the "rules" is this a thing?

Aside from all of that, I guess I was raised differently. When I watched the video, it made me feel good that in a world as fucked up as ours is today, that there are still decent people that are out there helping others.... it motivated me to do a little extra, a little more than I normally do to make a difference, albeit a small one. I didn't immediately think, "what a tasteless, self righteous, pimp"!

I was told that if I don't like things then I don't have to be here! Well, I am here and I'm a member of this forum and that's my 2 cents! As long as I am still here... right or wrong, I'll continue to point my out when I believe someone is wrong[emoji1360]

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Many many words. So many words.
And I disagree - you actually understand NOTHING.

WRONG. It was a promotional video of a sponsored event featuring people nobody here knows and all to show what great people they are for caring. Not only has this guy not posted here in over a year, if you took the time to look, he hasn't even been back online since he came on here to pimp his video. :naw:

I did take the time to look through some of his posts, he seems like a normal guy that likes jeeps. He never posted anything derogatory or had any type of issue before. Just because he doesn't "live" on here like some doesn't mean he should be ridiculed for doing something decent and sharing it.

Let me come to your house and take a shit on your sofa. I'm sure you don't have a rule for doing something like that.

Actually you can shit on my sofa... just not on my jeep [emoji23]

For the love of god, if I wanted to hear self-righteous preaching, I would have gone to a midnight mass.

I've never been a religious fanatic but if that's what you need then by all means

That's because you're small minded and to be clear, I never said the OP was self-righteous, just self-serving and self-congratulatory. I said that YOU are self-righteous. :naw:

Said the guy that chastises anyone who's opinion is different than his

:cheesy: You say that like you've got some kind of god given right to be here and self-righteously peach at people based on what you've chosen to believe.

I'm not here to preach at you or to anyone, as I've stated I'm not really a religious guy... however, like you, I'm entitled to point out when I think you are wrong, just as you do to others. I have my opinion and you have yours and it's obvious that the only thing we agree on is that we disagree. What I won't do is stoop to your level and attack your character.

As far as my right to be here, yes... I'm entitled to that until you take that away from me, cheers[emoji481]

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Here to pimp my video and one member supports me

I'm not here to preach at you or to anyone

Funny, that's all you've been doing all day. :thinking: I've stated I'm not really a religious guy.

LOL!! You make it sound like "religion" has anything to do with you being self-righteous.

however, like you, I'm entitled to point out when I think you are wrong, just as you do to others.

No, you're entitled to believe what you choose to believe but here on my website that I pay for you to use for free as a guest, it is a privilege for you to post up what you believe. Me, I have a right to tell you what I think.

I have my opinion and you have yours and it's obvious that the only thing we agree on is that we disagree.

I couldn't disagree more. I never asked you to be here on my forum and I never asked for your opinion. I've been calling out your self-righteousness for what it is and you are just too full of yourself to look in a mirror and see it for yourself.

What I won't do is stoop to your level and attack your character.

Of course not, the only thing you'll do is preach at me and tell me about how "you were raised differently" and how people like me should have been made in your image. :naw:

As far as my right to be here, yes... I'm entitled to that until you take that away from me, cheers[emoji481]

That's odd. The rules you were required to agree to in order to become a member of my forum clearly states, and I quote "You understand that is a privately owned website and that your ability to become a member here is a privilege and not a right." And yet, here you now are going on and on about "rights" and what you're "entitled" to. :thinking:

Merry Christmas and adios :standing wave:
Wow sorry didn't mean to make a big fuss. I follow you on YouTube and enjoy your videos and love them. Just thought I'd share something I did and how the Jeep community comes together in my neighborhood. I don't make money off of it wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes. No I'm not always on here. I stop by every once in a while to see what's going on. Used to be a warm friendly place to come back to even if you've been gone for a while but I guess not anymore.
Here to pimp my video and one member supports me

It's hard to believe that this thread even exists.
Thread Closed!
Personally, if I had broken a rule, and been called out on it, I would have just said I was sorry that I must have overlooked that rule, and continued about my business. There's no need to get bent out of shape over this.

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Personally, if I had broken a rule, and been called out on it, I would have just said I was sorry that I must have overlooked that rule, and continued about my business. There's no need to get bent out of shape over this.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

The problem is the majority of our society has developed the feeling that they are entitled to everything and that they are never wrong. Also that if your opinion is different than theirs than you are wrong and they are right. Bunch of damn snowflakes.
Wow sorry didn't mean to make a big fuss.

No, just to pimp a video from a sponsored event that you attended with people who aren't even a part of this forum.

I follow you on YouTube and enjoy your videos and love them.

How nice. You must be one of the same guys who goes around all our videos trying to post up links to yours. Fortunately, YouTube automatically treats them for what they are and just throws those into my spam box.

Just thought I'd share something I did and how the Jeep community comes together in my neighborhood.

Funny how nobody in your "Jeep community" is a part of ours.

I don't make money off of it wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes.

Never said you were trying to make money, just that your only purpose for being here was to pimp your video.

No I'm not always on here. I stop by every once in a while to see what's going on.

To be exact, it'd been over a year since the last time you were here and clearly, your only purpose for posting up now was to pimp your video of a sponsored event and with people who aren't even a part of this community.

Used to be a warm friendly place to come back to even if you've been gone for a while but I guess not anymore.

LOL!! No, it's still is a warm friendly community, you're just a total stranger who came back after over a year and with an agenda to pimp a video you made highlighting the community that you're a part of.
Here to pimp my video and one member supports me

The problem is the majority of our society has developed the feeling that they are entitled to everything and that they are never wrong. Also that if your opinion is different than theirs than you are wrong and they are right. Bunch of damn snowflakes.

Fuel that with "Charity" and now you have reason to disregard any and all rules... Right? WRONG! Like Sharkey mentioned, be charitable and content knowing that you've made a difference. If you need more than that, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
Fuel that with "Charity" and now you have reason to disregard any and all rules... Right? WRONG! Like Sharkey mentioned, be charitable and content knowing that you've made a difference. If you need more than that, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

Absolutely spot on

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The problem is the majority of our society has developed the feeling that they are entitled to everything and that they are never wrong. Also that if your opinion is different than theirs than you are wrong and they are right. Bunch of damn snowflakes.

And that there is a moral or ethical obligation to convince you of just how wrong you are and how right they are!

BTW, it was the OP who said they were here to "pimp" their video.

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BTW that wasn't the title I put to the thread it was changed by the Administrator. I had put Toys for Tots video or something like that. So the Administrator purposefully changed it to make me look bad. Believe me I didn't make the video to make me feel better. I made the video just to show how charitable the Jeep community is. I figured people would like that around this time of year.

I didn't do this to grow my YouTube channel. I make videos for my friends and family to see and since this was a Jeep one thought I'd put it up here. I could careless about being famous. I do it as a hobby and plenty of people enjoy the videos I make.

No I haven't been on in a while. Between Kids and work I haven't done a lot of stuff I enjoy. I was trying to get back into it and this was one of my first stops as I always enjoyed the forum. I had no idea I was going to get attacked.

Sorry went back and read the rest of the comments. I did miss the part about the non-profit organization and not posting stuff about it. I'm sorry that's all I can say. It was done with the best intentions and backfired horribly on me.
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BTW that wasn't the title I put to the thread it was changed by the Administrator. I had put Toys for Tots video or something like that. So the Administrator purposefully changed it to make me look bad.

First off, I am the administrator and while I would have changed the title so that it would better reflect what this thread is all about, I wasn't the one who changed it.

Believe me I didn't make the video to make me feel better. I made the video just to show how charitable the Jeep community is. I figured people would like that around this time of year.

I don't even know who you are and yet you ask me to "believe" you. You say that you didn't make the video to make you feel better and yet, you say you made it to show how charitable your Jeep community is as if we somehow needed to know as much. The only people who would really like what you did this time of year are the nameless and faceless kids you took pity on and bought a toy for but of course, you never even see them in your video. Pity is NOT the same thing as "compassion" and if you really cared about these kids, you would get involved in their lives instead of showcasing how "charitable your Jeep community" is.

I didn't do this to grow my YouTube channel. I make videos for my friends and family to see and since this was a Jeep one thought I'd put it up here. I could careless about being famous. I do it as a hobby and plenty of people enjoy the videos I make.

Don't have a clue as to who these "plenty of people" that enjoy your videos are but clearly, none of them are a part of this community. Certainly, nobody here has chimed in to say they're a friend of yours or a part of your family.

No I haven't been on in a while. Between Kids and work I haven't done a lot of stuff I enjoy. I was trying to get back into it and this was one of my first stops as I always enjoyed the forum. I had no idea I was going to get attacked.

And yet, you had plenty of time to take part in a sponsored charity run, with your Jeep community, film it, make a video of it and post it here. MAYBE, if you were someone I knew, someone who was a part of THIS community, things could have turned out a bit differently. Of course, most of the people I know don't feel the need to post up videos showcasing just how much good they've done in this world.

Sorry went back and read the rest of the comments. I did miss the part about the non-profit organization and not posting stuff about it. I'm sorry that's all I can say. It was done with the best intentions and backfired horribly on me.

If you were truly sorry, you would have just said as much and left it at that. Instead, you decided to go on and about why you did what you did and in an effort to justify your actions. :naw:
Fuel that with "Charity" and now you have reason to disregard any and all rules... Right? WRONG! Like Sharkey mentioned, be charitable and content knowing that you've made a difference. If you need more than that, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.


10 characters.
Left turn at Albuquerque

I'm struggling with this one a bit, most of the time when there is some backlash in the community I get it. I feel like I missed it here.

The way I read the original post was that here is a Joe Blow Jeep enthusiast doing some amateur video; did a piece about Jeepers doing charity work that he felt was compelling enough to make fellow enthusiasts feel inspired during this charitable season.

To rephrase, the way I read it was "Here's a video showing Jeep people do good things, feel good about being a Jeep person."
I'm struggling with this one a bit, most of the time when there is some backlash in the community I get it. I feel like I missed it here.

The way I read the original post was that here is a Joe Blow Jeep enthusiast doing some amateur video; did a piece about Jeepers doing charity work that he felt was compelling enough to make fellow enthusiasts feel inspired during this charitable season.

To rephrase, the way I read it was "Here's a video showing Jeep people do good things, feel good about being a Jeep person."

And I don't get why a video on YouTube of people collecting toys = people doing "good things". I completely miss why that should make anyone "feel good" about being a "Jeep person" or more to the point, why what we feel should even matter. "Inspiration" is meaningless if it doesn't compel you to really do something and I'm sincerely bothered by the fact that "charitable giving" is somehow a "seasonal" thing.

Again, IF you want to do good in this world, I would strongly encourage you to get out there, get your hands dirty and DO IT! I promise you, the people you help will be grateful and really, that's all that should matter.

Merry Christmas
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