I am desperate for my Jeep


New member
Need my Jeep back…

Please go fund me on this major life obstacle. Only those that own Jeeps will understand. I got divorced in 2014 and due to circumstances I had to get rid of my Jeep and ended up in a sedan. Yes, it is sad. But I am desperate and need the feel of the wind in my hair. The ability to take the doors off. The knowing I am in a Jeep. I still throw up the 2 fingers in my sedan and Jeep owners look at me weird. But…in reality…I am looking to raise money to help me get back into that Jeep. So that I can move past this horrible life experience and live once again. Thanks in advance and know you are helping someone live again!!

Please share.
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In your moment of desperation did you at least PM the administrators and ask for permission to post this?
I don't wanna kick a man when he's down, but c'mon dude. Go find yourself and old YJ or something. You can find em cheap.
This is a bunch of bullshit. We all would love to build the Jeep of our dreams, but coming on a Jeep forum and asking for free shit doesn't fly around here. Vote for Hillary or Bernie and enjoy your free shit at the expense of others.

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I would never have the audacity to ask for money for something I don't NEED. A Jeep is awesome but you don't NEED one. Unbelievable. There are truly people out there that don't think of anything but themselves.

Eddie Barreras you're an Idiot. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1463355190.225458.jpg
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I'm coming up on a year from getting rid of my JK. I miss it tremendously but I would never try and get others to give me money to buy another one. Not to mention that I just got back from Windrock riding with the WAL guys and had a blast.
Get the fuck outta here...you smoking crack? I had to re-read this to make sure I read it right. If this came from a 16 year old maybe I could understand but a grown (supposedly) man??
Get desperate for a job, another job, overtime, whatever. But don't beg for something you don't need.

Fuck you for thinking you're special.
I'm coming up on a year from getting rid of my JK. I miss it tremendously but I would never try and get others to give me money to buy another one. Not to mention that I just got back from Windrock riding with the WAL guys and had a blast.

What are you driving now?
Looking at the OP's bio, it states "happily married?" Looking at Threads Started: there are multiple threads referencing the loss of the JKUR and wanting to buy/build a 2-Dr TJ or JK, with the intent of passing on to his daughter (who dislikes the cheaper XJ, and wants the TJ or JK), "when she is old enough to drive" -- it would seem, based on the information provided and the post dates, that time is rapidly approaching?
My company f150. Didn't make sense to have a $300 car payment in my driveway sitting 90% of the week when I'm trying to lower my debt and buy a house.

Good for you. And sounds like you're still enjoying the Wayalife.
This really has irked me. I was waiting to post before I came off like a total dick. I just got rid of my dream JK because it wasn't in my financial plan and bought a TJ that was considerably cheaper but freed up some income. I don't understand this "gimme gimme" generation. This thread makes me sick. How in the hell could you possibly accept money from someone to pay for a Jeep? It is embarrassing reading this and I am legitimately embarrassed for you. You need to make a solid financial plan and figure out what would work for you financially. If a Jeep doesn't work into that plan, then you don't need it. Simple as that.
White male living in the United States. Just by being born has more advantage than most of the world...the world. But feels the need to beg for money. What a piece of shit. :yup:
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