Looking at some bumpers...

I bought a VKS stubby new of craigslist for $250.00 and I'll modify it a bit to my liking.. I don't care about cutting the ends off the frame don't really care if I end up selling the jeep that will be least modified piece. as for all the others.. bumpers and companies are trendy.. everybody rips everybody's designs off.. no matter what realm your in.. whatever is aesthetically pleasing to you is all the matters.. 99% are made of the same steel the other guys is and they all work the same.. They are dent scratch and bump into shit no matter what name is on them.:rock:

Thank you!!! Finally someone has had the same mind set as I do. :thumbs up: I just feel like some people dislike a company more because of how everyone else feels then their own personal reasons. I like the way VKS stuff looks and have heard they have a very good reputation. Plus their location is like about an hour or so from my home town. Can't beat that!
I bought a VKS stubby new of craigslist for $250.00 and I'll modify it a bit to my liking.. I don't care about cutting the ends off the frame don't really care if I end up selling the jeep that will be least modified piece. as for all the others.. bumpers and companies are trendy.. everybody rips everybody's designs off.. no matter what realm your in.. whatever is aesthetically pleasing to you is all the matters.. 99% are made of the same steel the other guys is and they all work the same.. They are dent scratch and bump into shit no matter what name is on them.:rock:

Thank you!!! Finally someone has had the same mind set as I do. :thumbs up: I just feel like some people dislike a company more because of how everyone else feels then their own personal reasons. I like the way VKS stuff looks and have heard they have a very good reputation. Plus their location is like about an hour or so from my home town. Can't beat that!

Ahh, so I guess it's OK to steal someones idea, invention, and blatantly copy it like the Chinese companies do. Good luck in running VKS as anyone knows your just sporting a rip off product a poser.......
Ahh, so I guess it's OK to steal someones idea, invention, and blatantly copy it like the Chinese companies do. Good luck in running VKS as anyone knows your just sporting a rip off product a poser.......

No shit right. I agree with ya. Those are some of the most stupid comments (the ones you quoted). It like a father hoping his daughter finds some wanna be rocker who treats her like shit and gets her knocked up....because at least he can pay the bills.

Not all companies ripe off others, and I certainly won't support the ones who do.

And for the record, not ALL steal and quality craftsmanship are created equal.
I'm looking at some of Rustys Off-road bumpers and sliders, they are local for me and say their stuff is built in USA. Anybody heard anything good or bad about their products ?
I'm looking at some of Rustys Off-road bumpers and sliders, they are local for me and say their stuff is built in USA. Anybody heard anything good or bad about their products ?

I had some of their suspension parts on my old XJ. Everything worked great but it did rust very quickly.
So basically if I purchase parts from a company you don't like, you're gunna talk shit about me?
I thought the majority of us were adults and out of high school... But oh well.
I guess I just fail to see how whatever brand I put on my jeep affects you in such a way that you feel it necessary to act like children.
So basically if I purchase parts from a company you don't like, you're gunna talk shit about me?
I thought the majority of us were adults and out of high school... But oh well.
I guess I just fail to see how whatever brand I put on my jeep affects you in such a way that you feel it necessary to act like children.

You can do whatever you want with your money, we dont care. We just try and suggest "better" options.
So basically if I purchase parts from a company you don't like, you're gunna talk shit about me?
I thought the majority of us were adults and out of high school... But oh well.
I guess I just fail to see how whatever brand I put on my jeep affects you in such a way that you feel it necessary to act like children.

I'm being very objective here, but you seem to look to pick fights and look for the arguments. You shouldn't complain about being picked on when you repeatedly poke the proverbial bear
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I have Hanson bumpers and sliders and they been great so far the last 5 years and are made in the USA. I am not sure where you are or where they are made, if shipping is a factor on what you buy.
I'm being very objective here, but you seem to look to pick fights and look for the arguments. You shouldn't complain about being picked on when you repeatedly poke the proverbial bear

I don't aim to pick fights or look for arguments. But at the same time if someone comes at me in a way I don't like or feel is justified I'm not going to just tuck my tail and bury my head in the sand. :nah:

All of this came from me asking a question about some bumpers I was looking at and because they were made by a company people dislike I got bashed.
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I don't aim to pick fights or look for arguments. But at the same time if someone comes at me in a way I don't like or feel is justified I'm not going to just tuck my tail and bury my head in the sand. :nah:

All of this came from me asking a question about some bumpers I was looking at and because they were made by a company people dislike I got bashed.

Say, hypothetically of course, that someone came to your work and stole your patented reach around move you have spent so much time perfecting. They then started taking some of your clients because they offered your exact reach around move for 15% less than you did. Wouldn't that bother you? Hypothetically?
Go buy your bumper. It's obvious you had your mind made up anyway. I just read through this whole thread and everyone tried to help you out.
I don't aim to pick fights or look for arguments. But at the same time if someone comes at me in a way I don't like or feel is justified I'm not going to just tuck my tail and bury my head in the sand. :nah:

All of this came from me asking a question about some bumpers I was looking at and because they were made by a company people dislike I got bashed.

You asked for opinions....
So, if I purchase pirated movies, golf clubs, snorkels, music, bumpers, books, whatever...it doesn't hurt anyone else?

Wow, just wow. That kind of myopic, narcissistic, "the only economy that matters is the one under my own roof" attitude is exactly what is turning this great country into China. Innovation and creation should be protected, not stolen and sold by your neighbor just because they can cut a few corners and reach a better price point.

Buy what you want dude. I hope that someday you create something of value yourself and are faced with the reality that a copycat is harvesting the fruits of your labor.
You can do whatever you want with your money, we dont care. We just try and suggest "better" options.

hinrichs said it best ^^^

Based off everything in this thread, everyone has provided their opinions about the products/companies/experience/dislikes of an install on certain products. You have the information you're looking for and asked for. It's up to you on how you spend your money and modify your rig.

There are a lot of options out there. I would suggest that you look at the vendors/sponsors that are associated with WAL, and see if they offer a product that you like as well as meets your requirements/budget. Go from that starting point. Based off the info in this thread, Rock Hard, EVO, and RC seem to be the pick of choices for people. I know there were a few others mentioned I am only listing the ones that stood out based off other threads and companies people mention most commonly which goes to show they have a good rep.
You asked for opinions....

Yup. How does that saying go..."careful what you ask for, you just might get it."

Then they take those opinions personal, as if we just insulted their mother. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes get a little butthurt, but this place has helped me to not always take things personal and try to brush them off.
I appreciate all the opinions and information that was given and I have taken it into consideration at what I'm looking for.
As for the copy right infringement piece, then company A should file a lawsuit and sue company B for the infringement. Which has nothing to do with me.
The main question I asked still hasn't been answered about product strength. Everything said has been about one company copying another.
But thank you everyone.
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