Watcha cookin'?

Cooked some delicious Brussels sprouts earlier.
Served with some grille tri-tip and Pinot Noir. Good times.
Had to work yesterday and this morning and wanted to maximize family time this afternoon. Grassfed beef shanks in the slow cooker.


So good.
First attempt at smoking cheese on the electric smoker. The tricky part is that the temperature is suppose to be under 90 F at all times, but the smoker thermostat only goes to 100. So I'm having to strategically place foil and open vents to try to compensate. So far, it's half way done and has stayed in one piece. I built an aluminum foil bowl underneath so if all else fails at least we get to keep the cheese.

First attempt at smoking cheese on the electric smoker. The tricky part is that the temperature is suppose to be under 90 F at all times, but the smoker thermostat only goes to 100. So I'm having to strategically place foil and open vents to try to compensate. So far, it's half way done and has stayed in one piece. I built an aluminum foil bowl underneath so if all else fails at least we get to keep the cheese.

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How did the cheese come out ? I do a lot of smoking but I have never done cheese did you cold smoke it??
And we are ready to eat...


Grassfed burger, sautéed garlic, mushrooms and onions, home made fries and fresh avocado.
I do a lot of smoking but I have never done cheese did you cold smoke it??

May want to ask your D.A.R.E. instructor on that one. LOL.

Seriously, it came out great. If you have a way to maintain the temp under 90 F, I'm sure it will be fine. For us unfortunately, 100 was as low as we could go. We just kept rotating it every 30 minutes or so and it stayed in one piece but as you can see from the pic, it melted down on the edges. By keeping a small aluminum foil slab underneath it, it never dripped through the grate and at least stayed together. The taste is amazing. We're going to start doing this more often. I used Apple wood chips and smoked it for 4 hours. I may try it on our charcoal smoker, but that's even harder to maintain low temperatures, so who knows.
May want to ask your D.A.R.E. instructor on that one. LOL.

Seriously, it came out great. If you have a way to maintain the temp under 90 F, I'm sure it will be fine. For us unfortunately, 100 was as low as we could go. We just kept rotating it every 30 minutes or so and it stayed in one piece but as you can see from the pic, it melted down on the edges. By keeping a small aluminum foil slab underneath it, it never dripped through the grate and at least stayed together. The taste is amazing. We're going to start doing this more often. I used Apple wood chips and smoked it for 4 hours. I may try it on our charcoal smoker, but that's even harder to maintain low temperatures, so who knows.

You can build a smoke house with racks for the cheese and vent your hot smoker into it. That will keep your temps down and get you the smoke flavor you want. Also you can smoke cheese whenever you are smoking some meat and then vacuum pack it and freeze it. It's a good way to keep a good stock pile.
You can build a smoke house with racks for the cheese and vent your hot smoker into it. That will keep your temps down and get you the smoke flavor you want.

I'm interested in this. So you just route your charcoal smoker outlet (while smoking meat) into just another box with the cheese in it?
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