So does your wife know what you really spend on your Jeep?

HAHAH. maybe I'll send you a 'special' PM :blush: I'll wear my UPS uniform!

Sorry for the over-reaction earlier bud
She buys me all my parts so I can't really hide them just make subtle hints as to what I want and by subtle I mean ... Sending links bringing it up in every conversation even whispering it to her during lol
She buys me all my parts so I can't really hide them just make subtle hints as to what I want and by subtle I mean ... Sending links bringing it up in every conversation even whispering it to her during lol

I do the same thing lol. Works every time except for the shitty rock sliders I have, that time she didn't listen [emoji16]
I do the same thing lol. Works every time except for the shitty rock sliders I have, that time she didn't listen [emoji16]

Hah, that'd be my luck! My wife, who in reality is fantastic and supportive, despite what the start of this thread may have come off as, is a notorious bargain hunter. So if I gave her a list or links, she'd be burnin' up the keyboard finding a better deal on something but still trying to get something that looked like what I wanted!
Screw that. I don't tell her nothing.
Going to go buy a new Rubicon with zero down and seven year financing at 9%. She doesn't need to know.
When these threads pop up I can't help but wonder if for those of you that think you are so clever by hiding your spending and deliveries from your wife, if you ever stop to think that maybe your wife is hiding from you the delivery of her "special package" from Mr. UPS man? :eek: :cheesy:

I just dress up in brown shoes, socks, shorts and a shirt once a week and throw boxes at the front door til she invites me in, keeps things fresh and adventurous and saves on the shipping and handling, ;-))
I just dress up in brown shoes, socks, shorts and a shirt once a week and throw boxes at the front door til she invites me in, keeps things fresh and adventurous and saves on the shipping and handling, ;-))

Haha good laugh this am thanks
I'm lucky enough to have a wife thats into jeeps and honestly doesn't care what I spend on them. She doesn't know what I spend but that falls back to the fact that she doesn't care. My paycheck from work never gets spent on any of our rigs, it pays bills and puts food in the pantry. What I make on the side out in the garage goes towards the toys. It works that way.
Y'know, I really wished I'd handled this thread differently and not come across like I was hiding things from my wife. I do not. We go to and from work together every day.
Kinda hard to hide a PR60 in the back of the Durango. BUT, she doesn't ask what I spend on my Jeep, either. That's the angle I was meaning to come from, not the "haha, boy am I getting one over on the 'ol bag kinda thing. Truth be told, my missus aint no dummy and she probably knows roughly what all this shit costs. On the way home with the PR60 & PR44 she looked at me and asked, "Do I really want to know what those things cost?" I just looked at her and raised my eyebrows, and she said, "Never mind, I don't want to know do I?" That was the premise to start of this thread. But, I probably tried to be too clever and witty and came across as a jackass. Oh, well, one of my first threads and lessons learned on how things go in entirely different directions than what you intend on the 'ol interweb...just be yourself and not try to be Mr. Comedian. Some of the replies by MTG, Mudmobeeler, and others were a reality check...

Saddltramp, I am stealing your UPS driver idea! :brows:
Y'know, I really wished I'd handled this thread differently and not come across like I was hiding things from my wife. I do not. We go to and from work together every day.
Kinda hard to hide a PR60 in the back of the Durango. BUT, she doesn't ask what I spend on my Jeep, either. That's the angle I was meaning to come from, not the "haha, boy am I getting one over on the 'ol bag kinda thing. Truth be told, my missus aint no dummy and she probably knows roughly what all this shit costs. On the way home with the PR60 & PR44 she looked at me and asked, "Do I really want to know what those things cost?" I just looked at her and raised my eyebrows, and she said, "Never mind, I don't want to know do I?" That was the premise to start of this thread. But, I probably tried to be too clever and witty and came across as a jackass. Oh, well, one of my first threads and lessons learned on how things go in entirely different directions than what you intend on the 'ol interweb...just be yourself and not try to be Mr. Comedian. Some of the replies by MTG, Mudmobeeler, and others were a reality check...

Saddltramp, I am stealing your UPS driver idea! :brows:

No worries here man. I was just saying hiding stuff wouldn't work for my marriage. Ours is no way from perfect but hiding stuff wouldn't help. I don't expect her to call and ask me if she can get a soda out of the machine at work, but we do talk about a lot of purchases. All of our money goes into the same account that we both can see and spend from. Its just easier that way. I'm lucky enough she enjoys the jeep and we get to spend money on it as we can. Sure its far from where I want it, other stuff just comes first.
Thanks, man, and I hear ya. 10-15 years ago I was at the stage where I couldn't even afford a Jeep, let alone the mods I wanted to do. Kept all my cars until they were dead, like over 250K miles dead. Raising 3 kids does that to a budget. But I waited (extremely impatiently, I might add) until I could afford to do what I wanted. Making sure the kids & wife got what they needed took precedence and deservedly so. I am fortunate I can do this now. Keeping your nose to the grindstone always seems to be the best way to get what you want.
My wife knows how much has been spent on my Jeep even if I don't. :)
She's the money manager in the family. And before you say that is a bad thing, when I say I want something for my Jeep, it usually shows up on the doorstep between a few days and a few weeks later depending on what it is. That's especially nice considering she has her own Jeep to upgrade. :)

My wife is aware of the purchases, but not the prices. I sold one of my Gibson Les Paul guitars and now I'm selling another one, so it's not coming all from savings.
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