Happy birthday Clarksadventures!!!


New member
Happy 29th buddy! Here's a couple pics from today. More videos etc to come.




And some of my carnage

ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1433736392.577055.jpg the fender really kept it from getting bad.

From dragging on the ground- not backing into something.

I don't even know exactly were this happen. I think waterfall.

Trailblazing on crushers. Thanks for the lack of spotting guys! Haha
Happy Birthday Gavin! I had a blast. Thanks to Gavin, David, and Dirk, I didn't break anything this time, and only got us lost for about an hour! Not too bad!
Happy birthday Gavin! Moving the family up next week. Can't wait to go wheeling with you guys! Looked like fun!
What trail was this?

And happy day of birth :D

All over tillamook state forest. We hit firebreak 5 (cake walk), crushers-where the pics of Gavin are (my favorite! Pure awesome the whole way) and then we hit waterfall every possible way we could. I think I tried 4 different routes- one of which almost rolled on the drivers side- thankfully my fender/hood caught a tree. And another route was instantly exiting when I kicked out a rock that almost put me on the passenger side. It's on video... Someone has it- I think dirk.
What trail was this?

And happy day of birth :D

Thanks everybody! I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to share it with.

We hit up Browns camp, and did firebreak, Crushers!, And waterfall trails.

Crushers was amazing and I can't believe the guys got me through with only a little trail damage


But really. I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys. Well... Bobby would have been a good addition, but every time I invite him, he has an excuse! 😜

Wow, looks like you guys had fun and a pretty nice day out as well. Wish I could've joined you guys.

Dave! You would have had so much fun. Crushers was/is a blast. And Steve even managed to keep his front end together. But we are all excited to see your 60/80's . This invitation for a wrenching party is always open.
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