Come pull my pony tail while my minions suck my Chinese pecker if they can find it

I'm 100% American too my friend. Our ancestors were neighbors I'd guess, due to the shape of our eyes lol.

Irritates the hell out of me when I get asked "where you from?" and New York isn't an acceptable answer. Like I need to trace my ancestry back to China or Italy, or Greece to make people happy. Born and bred in the good ol U. S. OF A. Damn proud of it too. No hyphens needed.

I'm pretty sure eye shape is not what determines if you're American... Not in my book and only a fool thinks otherwise.
I'm pretty sure eye shape is not what determines if you're American... Not in my book and only a fool thinks otherwise.

God thank you! We are all eye shapes and colors and God knows what else. That's what makes America awesome.

Wish more people thought like you.

Ethnicity and nationality are way way different things. A lot of people still haven't figured that out. It's all about closed minded folks feeling the need to stick a label on somebody.

As an American with mixed ancestry, I get the "are you Chinese?" line a lot. I explain, no I'm from NY, and then it becomes "but where you from?" uh.... Queens? Wanna know what hospital I was born in? No, I don't eat rice with every meal. I speak English. I have no accent. No, I don't know karate.

Same kind of crap Eddie gets from haters. Just a little more subtle. Labeling is the first step towards judging IMHO.
God thank you! We are all eye shapes and colors and God knows what else. That's what makes America awesome.

Wish more people thought like you.

Ethnicity and nationality are way way different things. A lot of people still haven't figured that out. It's all about closed minded folks feeling the need to stick a label on somebody.

As an American with mixed ancestry, I get the "are you Chinese?" line a lot. I explain, no I'm from NY, and then it becomes "but where you from?" uh.... Queens? Wanna know what hospital I was born in? No, I don't eat rice with every meal. I speak English. I have no accent. No, I don't know karate.

Same kind of crap Eddie gets from haters. Just a little more subtle. Labeling is the first step towards judging IMHO.

I agree it is amazing how fast people want to label non white Americans. What's funny is even us white folks are originally from somewhere other than America, but they never think of that I guess.
Watch the news, white America is under fire at all times too! No unity by any side as Americans....too much hate by the vocal few on all sides unfortunately!

Yep. Very true. Feels like in the last few years the actions of a few ignorant people have taken our society's outlook on race relations back a step or two. The media doesn't help.
I'm 100% American too my friend. Our ancestors were neighbors I'd guess, due to the shape of our eyes lol.

Irritates the hell out of me when I get asked "where you from?" and New York isn't an acceptable answer. Like I need to trace my ancestry back to China or Italy, or Greece to make people happy. Born and bred in the good ol U. S. OF A. Damn proud of it too. No hyphens needed.

Reminds me of this video haha and how ridiculous people sound sometimes

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