Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

I've known a lot of people who've moved from the east coast to the west and stayed. I haven't known very many people who have moved from the west coast to the east and done the same. Maybe it has something to do with the overinflated sense of self-worth and entitlement that seems to perseverate from some of the east coast people on the forum? :idontknow:

Nope, I've found a douchebag is a douchebag no matter where they are from.:yup:

Honestly, I don't really like it here, especially in Staten Island. Way too crowed, way too many assholes/douchebags and I'm just interested in a simpler lifestyle. I'd love to tour the country to find the place I'm gona park myself, however work may require me to stay here. But again, I don't judge anyone based on where they are from. Everywhere is going to produce every kind of person along the entire spectrum just different amounts in different capacities.
Honestly, I don't really like it here, especially in Staten Island. Way too crowed, way too many assholes/douchebags and I'm just interested in a simpler lifestyle. I'd love to tour the country to find the place I'm gona park myself, however work may require me to stay here. But again, I don't judge anyone based on where they are from. Everywhere is going to produce every kind of person along the entire spectrum just different amounts in different capacities.

Try the Carolinas!

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
As it went I added my opinion as most were. No, no one asked for it but it also wasn't meant to be directed at anymore in particular, it was for whoever was going to read.

And yet, you specifically made it a point to bring my name into all this and in regards to the moderators here and/or my close friends.

I don't think I took direct jabs at anyone and if I did I apologize for it was not my intention, but you should "grow a pair" anyway :cheesy:

Of course you did and if you're really sorry, you owe me an apology.
Honestly just having a conversation. I'm not bitching about anything really, but I again we could have two different views of what bitching is and I guess that is what it will be. Thanks for trying to get a rise out of me again though. I actually know exactly what will make me happy, bitching isn't on the list, but unfortunately a lot of the rest doesn't exist anymore or has be degraded by the status quo. But what can we do right?

Here is what I don't get. I've done my best to let all of this fall into the abyss. Army_Vet has never really appeared in this thread, so I have largely left it alone. I made my point, he confirmed it. Many of you have tried to turn this into some east v. west or military thing (big effing surprise there), but I have tried to ignore that as well. So why do you continue? Do you understand that with every post in here you only further prove the following two points:

(1) Army_Vet can't take a joke; and,

(2) He has a Pubassic Park.

Seriously, this is absolutely ridiculous. Grow some effing thicker skin, lighten the eff up, and move on.

This is what always happens. A handful of people put it to rest. More people dig it up. I've tried (to no avail) to deflect and direct but im out on this one.

They can fight it out, im over this one.

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
Here is what I don't get. I've done my best to let all of this fall into the abyss. Army_Vet has never really appeared in this thread, so I have largely left it alone. I made my point, he confirmed it. Many of you have tried to turn this into some east v. west or military thing (big effing surprise there), but I have tried to ignore that as well. So why do you continue? Do you understand that with every post in here you only further prove the following two points:

(1) Army_Vet can't take a joke; and,

(2) He has a Pubassic Park.

Seriously, this is absolutely ridiculous. Grow some effing thicker skin, lighten the eff up, and move on.

Wonderfully said. And you know I was just thinking. Why is it that Marcus hasn't appeared here to defend his "manhood" what, with so much disrespect and all flying around. Has he in fact, "logged off" for good? Highly unlikely. :cheesy:
Why don't you just shut the fuck up asshole for once

While we are at it, I am not sure how I missed this one. Is that the best you can do, really? If you would like to actually contribute to this thread, then say something that at least makes it seem like you made it through the third grade.

Add some intelligence to the discussion; come up with something witty that requires some thought from the reader. Otherwise, you just come across like a tweener protecting his source of stink finger.
While we are at it, I am not sure how I missed this one. Is that the best you can do, really? If you would like to actually contribute to this thread, then say something that at least makes it seem like you made it through the third grade.

Add some intelligence to the discussion; come up with something witty that requires some thought from the reader. Otherwise, you just come across like a tweener protecting his source of stink finger.

He doesn't like me so he wants to tell me publicly. He sent me a PM a while back telling me how if I don't have anything nice to say I shouldn't. And that I need to be nicer.

Maybe he is mad because I didn't respond to it. :idontknow:
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