Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

It's interesting how someone can post something relevant and thoughtful in a respectful manner yet it has to be impugned by the old internet standby.....ripping on his punctuation. How very World of Warcraft of you...
I agree with you, but that's not the point. Comic relief is most certainly a good thing, but it shouldn't be done at the expense of others especially when they express that they don't appreciate it. Yes this is the internet, but that doesn't mean words lose any effect on someone. Its one thing to joke and mess around, its another when it happens and the person that is the current "target" doesn't appreciate it whether its on the internet or to his/her face and the problem I have is that there's no respect for that. I don't care the context - if I know you or not, on a computer or face to face - if I say or do something with the full intentions of it being a joke and you don't take it that way and let me know, I won't continue it. Not only did it continue, but the "target" was ostracized for expressing that he didn't appreciate it. That's not messing around, that's called harassing. As for the rest of the interjections go, simply a man's friends caring. I'm sure if someone you were good friends with expressed the same situation to you, you'd inject in some way whether it happened face to face or on the internet.

Yes you are correct, some people can't take a joke because each of us have different experiences and personalities that make us who we are and provide us with a perspective that is completely different from one another. One person can find something to be the most hilarious thing he or she has ever seen while another person can view the same thing as the most disrespectful, unnecessary comment or action and neither of them are wrong, its perspective and again, its a matter of respecting that instead of looking at it as they just need pills. Its the people who know something bothers someone - especially when that someone is someone you are sharing something with like a friendship, hobby, or even the Wayalife - and yet they continue to engage in that behavior toward that someone who need the pills.

I know you are friends with Army_vet and want to defend him, and I think that is great. :yup: That's what friends should do. But he got EXACTLY what he asked for. Seems to me he likes to dish it out, but doesn't like to take it, and then to be some sort of victim. You know, like Overlander, he might be a great guy in person, however, I think he has rubbed some people the wrong way on here, never bothered to apologize for it, and maybe he shouldn't have to. :idontknow:

But since we can't all sit around the camp fire, drink some :honey: and laugh about it, the only thing people have to go by is what they read. Fortunately or unfortunately people read things differently, one sees it one way and other sees it another way...and that is when the "entertainment" begins. It often continues because people have a hard time admitting they are wrong...assuming they can even see that they were in the first place...and always feel compelled to get the last word in. One thing is for sure, arguing your point on the internet is most always a fruitless endeavor. :yup:
It's interesting how someone can post something relevant and thoughtful in a respectful manner yet it has to be impugned by the old internet standby.....ripping on his punctuation. How very World of Warcraft of you...

Let's eat grandpa.

Let's eat, grandpa.

Punctuation saves lives. :cheesy:
It's interesting how someone can post something relevant and thoughtful in a respectful manner yet it has to be impugned by the old internet standby.....ripping on his punctuation. How very World of Warcraft of you...

Frank is actually a young and handsome internet standby - although he may also be a 4th Level Dan Ninja on World of Warcraft! :brows:
I know you are friends with Army_vet and want to defend him, and I think that is great. :yup: That's what friends should do. But he got EXACTLY what he asked for. Seems to me he likes to dish it out, but doesn't like to take it, and then to be some sort of victim

The best part of this whole thread os Army_Vets absence (essentially) and his friend's rush to his defense. Not unlike the camaraderie the West Coasters exhibit.

The lesson here? Friends on this forum stick together :beer:

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
I know you are friends with Army_vet and want to defend him, and I think that is great. :yup: That's what friends should do. But he got EXACTLY what he asked for. Seems to me he likes to dish it out, but doesn't like to take it, and then to be some sort of victim. You know, like Overlander, he might be a great guy in person, however, I think he has rubbed some people the wrong way on here, never bothered to apologize for it, and maybe he shouldn't have to. :idontknow:

But since we can't all sit around the camp fire, drink some :honey: and laugh about it, the only thing people have to go by is what they read. Fortunately or unfortunately people read things differently, one sees it one way and other sees it another way...and that is when the "entertainment" begins. It often continues because people have a hard time admitting they are wrong...assuming they can even see that they were in the first place...and always feel compelled to get the last word in. One thing is for sure, arguing your point on the internet is most always a fruitless endeavor. :yup:

I agree, especially how having to read something rather than hearing the intention can be unfortunate. Now, I have not been keeping tabs on what happened between Army_Vet and Sharkey and/or whoever else, but, like Frank has said to me before, (paraphrase) if you have a problem with someone best way to go about it is to PM them. If there was a true issue it could have been handled differently especially if a moderator is involved. They are supposed to act as an example, not trying to find "entertainment" in such a fashion. And yes, I can probably sit her and continue on about my point for the next decade. I just think its a shame that the forum loses people, whether they belong here or not, to situations like this. If we all approached it with a little more understanding and respect for each other this sort of thing, well probably would still happen, but I think a lot less. Anyone can say and think what they want and I can disagree, doesn't mean either of us are right or wrong, just comes down to how that interaction is handled.
...If there was a true issue it could have been handled differently especially if a moderator is involved. They are supposed to act as an example, not trying to find "entertainment" in such a fashion.

You'll forgive me but, says who??? Last I checked, this is MY forum and if you took the time to read my FAQ, you would know, and I quote...

"Moderators are regular members who have generously agreed to volunteer their time to help manage and enforce its rules and policies. Moderators are NOT paid employees and the views and opinions expressed by them may not always reflect those of"

Since you seemed to have missed it, this is my forum, not your church. If you're looking for someone to act as some kind of an example, go talk to your preacher.

I just think its a shame that the forum loses people, whether they belong here or not, to situations like this.

So start up your own forum and run it however the hell you want. If you don't like the way things are run here - wait.... here it comes.... DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS AS YOU LEAVE! Nobody I know asked you to be here in the first place and nobody will miss you when you're gone. :yup:
You'll forgive me but, says who??? Last I checked, this is MY forum and if you took the time to read my FAQ, you would know, and I quote...

"Moderators are regular members who have generously agreed to volunteer their time to help manage and enforce its rules and policies. Moderators are NOT paid employees and the views and opinions expressed by them may not always reflect those of"

Since you seemed to have missed it, this is my forum, not your church. If you're looking for someone to act as some kind of an example, go talk to your preacher.

So start up your own forum and run it however the hell you want. If you don't like the way things are run here - wait.... here it comes.... DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS AS YOU LEAVE! Nobody I know asked you to be here in the first place and nobody will miss you when you're gone. :yup:


People forget this very thing. Its okay. They won't leave, if they do they usually come back. Matter of fact, some say they will leave and they don't.
"Moderators are regular members who have generously agreed to volunteer their time to help manage and enforce its rules and policies. Moderators are NOT paid employees and the views and opinions expressed by them may not always reflect those of"

Yep. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I, and I alone, own my words.

If you are so sensitive as a human being that phrases like "grow a pair", "nut up", and "don't get your panties in a bunch" send you into a tailspin, too effing bad. Life isn't always as warm and fuzzy as we want it to be.
Holy shit, can this thread just die already???

This is quite entertaining actually. :yup: :thumb:

Sharkey, I once heard all a man has in this world is his word and his balls. Some lack one or both hence, making them women, figuratively that is... :cheesy:
This is quite entertaining actually. :yup: :thumb:

Sharkey, I once heard all a man has in this world is his word and his balls. Some lack one or both hence, making them women, figuratively that is... :cheesy:

This is quite entertaining actually. :yup: :thumb:

Sharkey, I once heard all a man has in this world is his word and his balls. Some lack one or both hence, making them women, figuratively that is... :cheesy:

Would that be a "She Male" :thinking:
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