Orange 4door JK on 395 south of pearsonville


New member
Dang, you've got a sweet ride!!! It had project JK on the windshield and wayalife on the side.

Not only does it look good, it can move out!!! 83 miles per hour.

Pm me.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
I just saw it around 3:00pm today. It was headed north.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
My_jk had Off road evolution on the side but was this the rig?

Sure looks like it.
You went by so fast I couldn't make out all the stickers and finer details. Bwahahaha.
I was parked on the side of the road.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
Sure looks like it.
You went by so fast I couldn't make out all the stickers and finer details. Bwahahaha.
I was parked on the side of the road.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.

:cheesy: Parked on the side of the road near Pearsonville and you could still tell he was doing 83 MPH? Hmmm, I think I may have met you in person once before :crazyeyes: :D
I sure hope you haven't met me in person that way. Must have been someone else. Lol

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
I sure hope you haven't met me in person that way. Must have been someone else. Lol

Keep your head low and your powder dry.

:cheesy: Oh no, not that way. If you're the same guy, we talked for a bit about our videos at the Shell Station a few years back. It was a good meeting :D
It may have been me.

Man, I gotta get a wayalife banner on my windshield. Soon as my pay check comes in.

Keep your head low and your powder dry.
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