VIDEO : The ULTIMATE Pinstriping Machine

:eek: Holy shit! I was on a trail like that last summer and I turned around after I couldn't bear it anymore. Found out later it was an unmarked horse trail. :crazyeyes:
Awesome video Eddie! Good for you not being afraid to explore a narrow trail. Paint scratches can be fixed, which is why I prefer Bedliner over paint.

Here is a short clip from about 5 years ago. Note: The owner of the 200 acre property was inside my Jeep and any trees that were cut along the way were used to heat his home. Good times!

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We had very similar experience this summer in Moab on hey joe canyon. The worst part about it was we had to go out the same way we got in. Oh yea, and it was just over 100 degrees with swarms of nagging bugs. At least you don't have a dark colored jeep.
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that hurts so bad , but i can't stop watching kind of like a car crash :icon_crazy: :naw: :doh:
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