Garmin Overlander reviews wanted


I am interested in buying the Garmin Overlander and am seeking reviews. There was a post about it a couple years ago. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts now, since it’s been a couple years. What’s the good, bad and the ugly? Thanks in advance
I am interested in buying the Garmin Overlander and am seeking reviews. There was a post about it a couple years ago. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts now, since it’s been a couple years. What’s the good, bad and the ugly? Thanks in advance
I have not used it. I have only watched or read reviews. There are practically no new reviews. From what I have seen, it is bulky and abnormally slow.

Mounting something this bulky on a Jeep dash is problematic since it is nice to be able to see out the windshield and it is also nice to be able to see the jeep's entertainment console and not block the vents.

The Garmin street driving GPSs are really good and I would recommend them. They do even work on many off-road routes. Off-road navigation and maps can be obtained by other means, such as via cell phone or iPad apps.
The reviews I’ve seen, majority of the reviewers went back to using a phone and/or small tablet and Gaia or onX. The reviews where I’ve seen the reviewers continue using them were paid shills from Garmin.
I have one. It was a gift from my Dad to use when I did the TAT.
It's like every other Garmin I have or had, it works every time. As said above it's a bit big and bulky but I like it for the large screen.
So far it's only been mounted in my Tacoma so I can't speak for how it fits in the JLUR.
Lot's of fun features, easy to use, I have the TAT installed and that was easy using Garmin Base Camp.
Would I buy it myself being essentially computer illiterate? YES.
I have no patience with tablets and the like.
Being a retired mechanic tools are important and When I need a GPS I want a GPS not some converted phone or the like.

It's too bad your so far away. I'd loan you mine and let you "demo" it for a few days.....


PS if I remember, I'll stick it in the JL and take a pic for size comparisons.
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