Fuel Efficiency gauge


New member
Hey guys, I’m new to Jeep coming from Euro car, I have a question concerning the fuel efficiency gauge(green line) that reads out the efficiency of gas you give to accelerate that’s located in the middle of the dashboard(it’s like a half moon). So for my Jeep it accelerates from right to left, being that the green line moves to the left the less amount of times I accelerate. However upon idle it sits at the far right and shows a reading of “current 99” in terms of fuel efficiency. Now I no mechanic, but shouldn’t this green line move from left to right and not right to left? As it’s suppose to only determine how efficient you drive your vehicle so on idle it should sit on the far left(just like your needle for speed), then move to the right the more you give gas, the more the green line should move to the right, thus the higher the number of fuel being efficient. The lower the number the green the line, the higher the number it’ll turn yellow(meaning most likely poor fuel efficiency). You would think, but mine reads the opposite way.
Any tips to if my Jeep is a different version based on where it was made or is this just some error and someone along the QC production line coded this wrong and it’s backwards?
In all seriousness why haven't you taken it to the dealership yet. If it truly is bugged a computer update may fix it. A simpe Google search shows alot of other people having diffrent issues with that same "guage". My guess is it just sucks. The good news is the gauge is pointless anyways.
The gauge may be pointless but I have yet to find anything else more entertaining to put there. Digital speedometer is irritating and pointless since there is always the traditional one, and the reading on the GPS is the accurate one.
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The gauge may be pointless but I have yet to find anything else more entertaining to put there. Digital speedometer is irritating and pointless since there is always the traditional one, and the reading on the GPS is the accurate one.
I agree the digital speedometer is pointless. I’m old school and I prefer the analog over digital anyway. But with todays fuel prices one can only hope to be able to have some control of the fuel they use. Yes the Jeep is not known for best fuel economy, but that’s not what I’m calculating. And with this gauge being what it is, it just throws off my calculations.
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I agree the digital speedometer is pointless. I’m old school and I prefer the analog over digital anyway. But with todays fuel prices one can only hope to be able to have some control of the fuel they use. Yes the Jeep is not known for best fuel economy, but that’s not what I’m calculating. And with this gauge being what it is, it just throws off my calculations.
Odometer is likely accurate. Keep your fuel receipts. Do the math and find out your REAL fuel mileage.

If it matches the digital thingie, great. Now you can use the digital thingie (even if it moves in a direction that triggers you).

If it does not match the digital thingie, then you'll know that you can't rely on it.

You are welcome.

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I have, they don’t know squat either. Majority of them don’t even own a Jeep, which is why I’m here asking the Jeep community for some insight, but all I’m getting is backlashes.
It’s been posted how it should work. If yours is backwards either take it to the dealer or quit looking at it. I think most people’s point is that is sort of a useless tool. Most don’t care about the mileage. Those that do, don’t need a green line moving left right up down or diagonal to know how to drive economically. Take it easy on the skinny pedal and you’ll be doing about the best you can as far as fuel efficiency. It’s not rocket surgery.
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