VIDEO : Where in the Hell Have We Been?

So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.

Thank you for Sharing! Wish you all the best in what the future holds. It’s scary how quickly priorities can shift when faced with the reality of what your future will hold. Those things that happen to pull back the curtain so to speak, and gives you a serious look at obstacles you’ll have to face, that can really shake things up.
Bless you guys. My mom has been going thru the hellish nightmare of Alzheimers for about 7 years now. She is in full nursing care and does not walk. She cannot speak intelligible sentences now. She is still my mom but her personality and mind are no longer part of who she is. I know exactly what you are going thru for one parent but my God for two at the same time is unimaginable. You will always have the memories of who they were and you did the best you could for them. Im praying for you and wish good things for your future. Thanks for sharing.
Posted before I watched the whole thing. Glad to see she can still get in the jeep! I remember drinking rock hard wet woodys at riva grill with them a few years back. They could hang that’s for sure!
LOL - that's right, you have been there with us. That's so awesome!
That's love....
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to what's to come "getting back to your roots"
What else are you gonna do. Family always comes first. Hope you aren't too disappointed with what our roots are :D
You both are great couple with great attitude to life.
You are showing and sharing it to all of us.

We keep you and your parents in our thoughts sending tons of good blessings.

Miro & Maka
Thank you my friends, we really do appreciate it.
Aww thanks for sharing :)
Hope you guys are doing well!
Thank you Jen. We really hope you're doing well too. Would love to see you again.
Wow. That was a really thoughtful video. Thanks for taking the time to share that with us.
It was a struggle to make for sure. We weren't even sure we could do it but decided, it would help us too.
My dad is going through this. His mom and his oldest sister had Parkinson. Dad had a slight stroke back 2008 which affected his short-term memory. The week he had the stroke he has no memory of that week. And we think he has Parkinson now also
We're so sorry to hear it.
Love you guys!
Thank you Rachel. Cindy and I love you and Ray too.
That video truly came from the heart and brought up some tears. Having any trouble with your parents is a big deal and one that has to have all your attention. Glad you both are able to get back to your roots and travel more. The Wayalife will continue. 😊
Thank you my friend. I know you've had to deal with some tough times recently as well. We really do appreciate it.
Man I knew you guys were going through this. I’m so sorry, but it’s part of life.
it really got me when you’re mom stopped doing her list. I’m seeing the very start of this. Again, It’s part of life.
you’re stepping up and doing the part that sucks right now. I look up to you for doing this.
it will be hard until the end.
im thinking of everyone.
take care
Thanks Doug. I know you know what we've been going though but still appreciate it. You're friendship really means a lot to us.
Lost both parents several years back Dad went a few years before my Mom they were married for 58 years . This video brought back a bunch of memories of the time we had thanks for sharing. Family first 👍
Always. Family first.
Family First.. is the Way of Life. 🙏
I know what y’all are going through bro! My dad is fighting leukemia and loosing his eyesight, mom has had 3 surgeries on her eyes. This all in the last couple of years also. My dad was diagnosed with luekemia in 2016. Y’all hang in there and give them all the love y’all can!
We're so sorry to hear it. Definitely need to give all the love you can.
"Go back to our Roots"... *clicks on "Build your own Wrangler" :unsure:

I'm not 100% sure what you are up to... but I think I have an idea... And if I'm correct, you are F'n Awesome!
LOL - sure hope we won't disappoint you with what we'll be doing.
LOL - that's right, you have been there with us. That's so awesome!

What else are you gonna do. Family always comes first. Hope you aren't too disappointed with what our roots are :D

Thank you my friends, we really do appreciate it.

Thank you Jen. We really hope you're doing well too. Would love to see you again.

It was a struggle to make for sure. We weren't even sure we could do it but decided, it would help us too.

We're so sorry to hear it.

Thank you Rachel. Cindy and I love you and Ray too.
Thanks Eddie sorry to hear about Cindy's parents.
Eddie and Cindy you both are incredible people. To put your lives on hold to help your parents speaks volumes of your character. Take care old friends. Bless you and your parents! Maybe someday we can meet up.
Hey Tom, it's great to hear from you and hope you and your family are doing well. It'd be great to meet up again someday.
It’s a tough road for sure but like everything else you guys encounter, it will be all clear on the other side. Cheers to you both and, mom and dad as well. 🍻
Thank you my friend.
Thank you for sharing. It takes a lot of courage to share something so personal with EVERYONE. They must be wonderful. They raised such a wonderful woman in Cindy. God bless you and your family. We'll see each other soon.
Thank you, we really do appreciate it. We definitely look forward to seeing you again soon.
Thank you for Sharing! Wish you all the best in what the future holds. It’s scary how quickly priorities can shift when faced with the reality of what your future will hold. Those things that happen to pull back the curtain so to speak, and gives you a serious look at obstacles you’ll have to face, that can really shake things up.
Thank you and we do appreciate it.
Bless you guys. My mom has been going thru the hellish nightmare of Alzheimers for about 7 years now. She is in full nursing care and does not walk. She cannot speak intelligible sentences now. She is still my mom but her personality and mind are no longer part of who she is. I know exactly what you are going thru for one parent but my God for two at the same time is unimaginable. You will always have the memories of who they were and you did the best you could for them. Im praying for you and wish good things for your future. Thanks for sharing.
We're so sorry to hear you're having to go through this as well. It's difficult to put into words what it's really like.
We know it's been a rough hard two years for you both! We are thinking of you and miss you guys!
Thank you Steph. We know you and Tony are having to deal with a lot too. We so miss you two as well.
Thanks for sharing.

Enjoy them as long as you can.

When we lose our parents, we lose a part of ourselves.
This is so true.
Thanks for sharing. And looking forward to see what adventures you have planned!
Awesome. We hope that you'll enjoy what's to come.
One day at a time.Good luck to you and your family.
Thank you.
Life has proven that our plans are not always fate's plans. Life has a way of kicking the shit out of us sometimes, but here we are. Even still we take care of our family, watch over our friends, and try to keep moving forward. Good things are coming. I could tell when you clicked "Build your Wrangler." Hmmmmm.
Thanks for sharing. I completely understand. I’ve been away from Jeeps for almost 2 years. Sold all 3 to pay for our move from MAss to TX to take care of my parents. Hopefully, I’ll be buying a new to me JKU this week and I’ll be able to get back into it. Best wishes to you and your fam, and anyone else going through rough times.
Thanks for sharing such a tough part of your life, I know your guys have been going through it but damn that some hard stuff all at once. I'm excited for you guys to be getting back to your passion while being inspired buy something so important to them, and you. We miss you guys, hope too see you soon. Also excited to see what you have up your sleeve, only a couple things come to mind that you don't have from that link lol...
I lost my dad to Lewy body dementia last February at 69 years old. He was in a care home the last few months of his life and really didn’t know who anyone was. He suffered so badly the last few months and one the hardest thing I ever had to watch. I feel for you and Cindy. I know exactly what your going through. Stay strong!!!
So, I know there are probably a few of you who’ve been wondering, where in the hell have we been? And, what I can tell you is that, we’re truly sorry for having been gone and for as long as we have. Anybody who knows us know that Cindy and I aren’t exactly the kind of people who like to wear our personal lives on our shirt sleeves and so, for the better part of the last two years, we just did our best to make things work. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and earlier this year, it completely pulled the rug out from under our feet. The good news is, we are finally at a point where life can resume again and for all the people who expressed concern for us during our extended absence, we thought it would be nice to make an exception and share a little, of what's been going on.

Very sorry for all that you and your family have been going through. You don’t know me but I too live in Las Vegas and am a practicing attorney. If ever you need anything, please let me know. If I cannot help, I will help you to find someone who can. Your videos have been an inspiration over the years and I would be happy to assist.
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