Hundreds Laid Off in Toledo

The UAW members wanted to do away with temporary workers. Wanted everyone to be full time Union workers.

They are going to get full time Union members, most of the temps are gone.

As to "A little warning would be nice" HAH, like anybody else gets a warning before being canned.
Wonder how they decided which crews to let go. That's a lot of people off the line.
I am sure if they gave them notice, Jeep would have to worry about production problems.
The UAW members wanted to do away with temporary workers. Wanted everyone to be full time Union workers.

They are going to get full time Union members, most of the temps are gone.

As to "A little warning would be nice" HAH, like anybody else gets a warning before being canned.
The good news is this pales in comparison to the 10k plus layoffs by GM in 2019. They closed multiple plants in the US.

I wonder if any of the ones laid off from Stellantis will have an opportunity to apply for full time, union positions?
I’m guessing it’s really all just temporary like always in the auto making industry and retooling the lines as they fazed out all the good stuff. More Italian trash and electric junk coming out of Toledo for the foreseeable. Sweet.
What part of “part time, temporary” workers is supposed to imply full time, permanent employment? Unless you have an employment contract, you should pretty much presume that you can be let go at any time…and you should bust your ass to show the powers that be that it would be difficult to replace you.
I wonder what a Jeep that was built by someone with a little warning would be like?
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