Recent content by Brute

  1. Brute

    Random Photos

    Yes…the entire Olympic Peninsula is incredible…one of my favorite places on earth.
  2. Brute

    Suds of the Day

  3. Brute

    Suds of the Day

    Working on the entire list?…
  4. Brute

    Random Photos

    A view of Seattle from Alki Beach in West Seattle…in eight years of living in WA, this is only the second time I’ve been in West Seattle, and my wife’s first…
  5. Brute

    Watcha cookin'?

    Your chickens wear thongs?…just inside the house or also around the yard?…
  6. Brute

    Random Photos

  7. Brute

    Favorite Quotes...From Ben Franklin Or Whomever...

    "If you're the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room" Confucius
  8. Brute


    Skinned and tan the hide yet?...asking for a friend...
  9. Brute

    NO MORE Half Doors??

    Like most things in life...better to have them and not need them than to want them and not have them...Mine for the 392 are still in the original boxes...and no, they are not for sale... When I originally looked for a JK to build my JK6, I specifically chose one with half doors...
  10. Brute


    so does every part of your body...
  11. Brute

    And so it Begins... the 392

    But size 11 shoes?…
  12. Brute

    Watcha cookin'?

    Ribeyes, roasted sweet potato…cheese cake, burrata with cherries sautéed in butter & roasted hazelnuts
  13. Brute

    Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

    Insurance companies are like casinos…they are taking your money betting against Mother Nature…they are not in business to lose money…so they will raise premiums to cover their losses…
  14. Brute

    Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

    I have insurance for 27 properties, both residential and commercial …insurance has been getting out of hand for the last six years. Try getting a property insured in Miami, not to mention CA & NY
  15. Brute

    Random Internet Shit you've come across

    Actually, I was very surprised…I did not expect guilty verdicts on every single count…I was expecting a hung jury…it only takes one to believe that there was reasonable doubt on any count.
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